Similar words: contemplate, contemplation, contempt, contemptuous, contemporary, self-contempt, contemptible, contemptuously.
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91. The two men contemplated the treasure a while in blissful silence.
92. These compounds are targeted for use as inhibitors of SH2 domain binding with a phosphoprotein, and are contemplated for use in a number of diseases including cancer.
93. At least until the mid-20th century, music in China was seldom seen as something to be presented on a proscenium stage and contemplated in isolation by sedentary, silent listeners.
94. Mr Brown argues that he brought Britain through recession, and that the risk of relapse is great enough that no change of management, or early wielding of the fiscal axe, can safely be contemplated.
95. Dragged shoeless from the court , he contemplated questions with great seriousness while occasionally a salad.
96. Faber contemplated going into the Great Eastern Hotel for dinner.
97. Instead the Divorce Act mirrored the reliefs available under the Judicial Separation Act, introduced at a time when divorce was not contemplated.
98. When King James translators contemplated the highest form of love they settled on the word "charity" to convey it.
99. Indeed, the great lawgiver Solon once contemplated making marriage compulsory, and in Athens under Pericles bachelors were excluded from certain important public positions.
100. When you've contemplated things in this way you'll see anicca , impermanence, and dukkha, unsatisfactoriness.
101. A Type II condition allows the contractor additional cost recovery if the actual conditions differ from what could have been reasonably expected for the work contemplated in the contract.
102. The poor Curate was naturally very much dismayed at the contemplated departure of his pupil.
103. In rudderless despair and searching for ideological sustenance, he contemplated religion.
104. Strict liability is the reason why nobody has hitherto contemplated large-scale digitisation: the potential financial hazards are too unpredictable.
105. He contemplated his friend with admiration, but with fear too.
105. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
106. Common Stock outstanding without giving effect to the issuances contemplated under this Agreement.
107. The old man woke from his short sleep and contemplated the position of the pieces on the marble table.
108. Hand , being greatly hurt in his pride, contemplated only severe reprisal.
109. The heaviest load on his mind, after his conversation with the slave trader, lay in the foreseen necessity of breaking to his wife the arrangement contemplated.
110. He contemplated flying home, but his wife, ex-Olympic volleyball player Elisabeth, wouldn't let him miss the opportunity he had spent so many years working towards.
111. Then I would look at the cupboard, where the naked lady was frozen in her panic and the muscular gentleman contemplated the hindquarters of the leopard in endless gloom.
112. Having contemplated it a little while she pressed the photo against her.
113. The Tsar contemplated with complete sang-froid the sacrifice of unnumbered thousands of his countrymen in the pursuit of ultimate victory.
114. The Lump Sum is based and assessed on all war risk insurance costs applicable to the Tugowner in respect of the contemplated voyage in effect on the date of this Agreement.
115. The contracting carrier shall be responsible for the whole of the transport contemplated in the contract.
116. People look at the Mona Lisa in the Louvre museum, Paris. It is one of the most viewed paintings in the world, contemplated by crowds of tourists under the watchful eye of numerous guards.
More similar words: contemplate, contemplation, contempt, contemptuous, contemporary, self-contempt, contemptible, contemptuously, implanted, contented, contretemps, intemperate, contested, contaminated, temple, exemplar, exemplary, plate, caveat emptor, contest, context, content, contend, plateau, implicated, complicated, elated, raconteur, contender, related.