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Contemplated in a sentence

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Sentence count:116+7Posted:2017-02-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: contemplatecontemplationcontemptcontemptuouscontemporaryself-contemptcontemptiblecontemptuously
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61. Revolutions are only contemplated by cadres with intense preferences: most workers in liberal democracies will not vote for a revolution.
62. More potent still was the dismay which gripped Washington whenever it contemplated the implications of a permanently weakened or uncooperative Britain.
63. Briefly, a vertical tube turned a blank glass eye on him and Ezra and the glass eye contemplated each other.
64. Colonel Calderon tried to dispel their fears and to persuade them that no attempt on their lives was contemplated.
65. Jack went west for a holiday in the summer of 1954 while he contemplated his future.
66. Jane contemplated throwing on her clothes and leaving her refuge to climb farther up the mountainside to the caves.
67. The Diocese already occupies the premises as tenant,( and no change of use is contemplated.
68. As always, I felt a rising tingle of excitement as I contemplated the meticulously shorn surfaces of my face.
69. Whether he ever contemplated replacing the monks by secular canons, we do not know.
70. Having contemplated the pro's and con's Darwin came down on the side in favour of marriage.
71. Often,( Jones contemplated being put under hypnosis and attempting to return subconsciously to that fateful December night.
72. The form contemplated that it would also be countersigned by an obstetrician, but it was not so signed.
73. Waterpower could be used to drive machinery, but few contemplated converting it into electricity.
74. She contemplated drearily the fact that it was a Saturday; the day when everybody supposedly enjoyed themselves.
75. Eventually, I contemplated myself into making a decision that would build another pond on part of my patio.
76. On a couple of occasions, Brian had contemplated a hunger strike.
77. This is particularly important when the installation of expensive equipment is contemplated. 3.
78. She saw her aloneness, now loneliness, and she saw the vista of age, which she had never contemplated before.
79. These policies even contemplated the nationalization of industry, in rather more detail than had ever been considered by the Labour Party.
80. While Pottz tacked to and fro energetically seeking out the elusive peak, Richie dropped anchor and contemplated the horizon.
81. He contemplated going to some health resort.
82. He contemplated the problem before making a decision.
83. The men contemplated the treasure awhile in blissful silence.
84. All day he did nothing but contemplated.
85. It was too appalling to be contemplated.
86. For a moment Bigger contemplated all the'ifs'that Gus had mentioned.
87. But for everyone there is something unendurable -- something that cannot be contemplated.
88. After taking the hallucinogen, Dr. Martin put on an eye mask and headphones, and lay on a couch listening to classical music as he contemplated the universe.
89. One evening I had an encounter with a ticking bomb, and contemplated behaving like a fool, but rejected the impulse because we weren't married.
90. He was so hopelessly involved in debt that he contemplated a bolt to America.
More similar words: contemplatecontemplationcontemptcontemptuouscontemporaryself-contemptcontemptiblecontemptuouslyimplantedcontentedcontretempsintemperatecontestedcontaminatedtempleexemplarexemplaryplatecaveat emptorcontestcontextcontentcontendplateauimplicatedcomplicatedelatedraconteurcontenderrelated
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