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Derive in a sentence

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Sentence count:246+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: acquiregaingetobtainreceivesecureSimilar words: derive fromdrivethrivedriverdrivewaydrive outdrive uparrive atMeaning: [dɪ'raɪv]  v. 1. reason by deduction; establish by deduction 2. obtain 3. come from 4. develop or evolve from a latent or potential state 5. come from; be connected by a relationship of blood, for example. 
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1. Medically, we will derive great benefit from this technique.
2. Most patients derive enjoyment from leafing through old picture albums.
3. Females and cubs clearly derive some benefit from living in groups.
4. Many English words derive from Latin.
5. Many people derive their self-worth from their work.
6. We can derive some comfort from this fact.
7. Thousands of English words derive from Latin.
8. I didn't get/derive benefit from school.
9. We can derive the word 'derelict' from the Latin 'derelictus'.
10. Children derive comfort from familiar surroundings.
11. All syllables derive from the primordial syllable - OM.
12. To derive a little pleasure from his children.
13. One of the first commercial products to derive from this biotechnology is likely to be genetically engineered tomatoes.
14. Derive the velocity profile for optimum acceleration of this system.
15. Partnerships are about intentions but they derive their stature and attraction from what they achieve.
16. These cell types can derive from several cells well separated in the lineage.
17. Some method is then used to derive the syntactic representation for the derivative form from combining the root form and the affix.
17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
18. Individual scores were then aggregated to derive shift, department, division, and plant totals.
19. From those two virtues derive the tranquillity, comfort, and content of domesticity.
20. Individuals have to derive all their sustenance from a leader.
21. The process used to derive criteria commenced with a general view of the learning objectives to be focused upon.
22. Such power may derive from an individual's physical strength, their economic resources, position, expertise, personal charisma etc.
23. Sadistic people derive perverse pleasure from the suffering of others and may seek out situations in which they can inflict this.
24. Mr Ying is one of those happy people who derive pleasure from helping others.
25. Throughout his early adult life he passed from one religious system to another, unable to derive lasting spiritual satisfaction form any.
26. Performance measured relative to these statements is aggregated using complex rules to derive the level awarded.
27. As it turns out, the fears that govern such organizations derive in large part from invalid or negative core beliefs.
28. But here we run up against the difficulty that this formulation appears to derive a prescriptive conclusion from two factual premisses.
29. Beck suggests that we have an automatic style of thinking which to a large extent determines the conclusions we derive from experience.
30. Intelligent application of the technique can take these warnings into account and still derive considerable benefit from it.
More similar words: derive fromdrivethrivedriverdrivewaydrive outdrive uparrive atdrive homegive rise torivalarrivalprivacyprivatelyperiodinheritseriesgatheringmotheringofferingAmericanheritagethe private sectorcriteriamaterialinteriorbacteriapioneeringenter intoexperience
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