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Collaboration in a sentence

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Sentence count:189+4Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: coactioncollaborationismquislingismSimilar words: elaboratelaboratorycorporationexplorationabortioncollectioninstallationlaborMeaning: [kə‚læbə'reɪʃn]  n. 1. act of working jointly 2. act of cooperating traitorously with an enemy that is occupying your country. 
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31 From its beginning, Culham encouraged international collaboration.
32 Ligand is seeking another collaboration to develop diabetes drugs.
33 Tasks are designed that reward collaboration and teamwork, in academic and nonacademic areas.
34 Those three tasks are familiar to almost everyone involved in creative collaboration.
35 So from the relationship that developed during that period we developed the collaboration which features in the first section of Passion.
36 In practice, this exercise provides an excellent opportunity for active collaboration between the firm's accountant and responsible fee-earning staff.
37 They do not just generate data but enter into collaboration in the continuous monitoring of classroom activity and its effects.
38 There is thus a 5% difference in the extent of collaboration between an author's first and subsequent publications.
39 He found it very difficult to work in collaboration with others.
40 Is there evidence of actual collaboration among the elite in the formulation of preferred public policy?
41 Objective: promotion of international collaboration in education, science and culture.
42 Social Interaction and Collaboration Social interaction and collaboration among children in school are essential for the development and learning of children.
43 This is not to say that there is no collaboration between organizations.
44 Such a role called for financial autonomy, an independent international civil service, and collaboration between world organizations.
45 Such cases do, however, point to the need for international collaboration to promote competition in global markets.
46 The restoration project was begin in 1988 in collaboration with the State, and involves almost half of the museum.
47 First, they decided to hold preference meetings to gain front-line collaboration on the choice between casual and declared overtime.
48 Traditionally, collaboration in the classroom, for instance, has been taboo, condemned as a form of cheating.
49 In a true creative collaboration, almost everyone emerges with a sense of ownership.
50 Video lives A series of programmes about cultural identities by contemporary video and film-makers organised in collaboration with Birmingham Library Services.
51 Progress towards the achievement of these aims requires inter-agency collaboration.
52 At work,[] people increasingly are in situations that demand collaboration.
53 The most appealing strategy is integration or collaboration, by which groups in conflict modify their views and seek a third alternative.
54 The decision to continue collaboration after 1918 can only be understood through the actual events of that year.
55 He wanted to use the subsidiary as a totally clean slate and he wanted true collaboration from the beginning.
56 Hence there is nothing improvisatory about the collaboration between this conductor and his orchestra.
57 However, the teacher was still alert to the possibility that some children might use collaboration as a cover.
58 It allows collaboration between teachers in schools and other educational institutions and with local advisory staff.
59 Several governments, particularly from the larger states, sought co-operation on immigration and frontier controls and also closer police collaboration.
60 Abercrombie was appointed to work in collaboration with the Technical Committee.
More similar words: elaboratelaboratorycorporationexplorationabortioncollectioninstallationlaboroperationmigrationcollarAND operationreparationseparationfrustrationimmigrationintegrationcelebrationcollapseconcentrationgeneration gapconsiderationdemonstrationlaboriouslyadministrationratiopollutionnationformationeducation
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