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Cable in a sentence

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Sentence count:176+20Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cordropetelegraphwireSimilar words: abletableunableenabletableaube able todisabledsuitableMeaning: ['keɪbl]  n. 1. a telegram sent abroad 2. a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power 3. a very strong thick rope made of twisted hemp or steel wire 4. a nautical unit of depth 5. television that is transmitted over cable directly to the receiver 6. a television system that transmits over cables. v. 1. send cables, wires, or telegrams 2. fasten with a cable. 
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61. His foot caught in the cable and he fell under the train.
62. China has almost 15 million subscribers to satellite and cable television.
63. Charles Bright thought it dangerous to lay the cable in these conditions; and so he shouted to the men to stop the machine.
64. Cable technology will make it possible for people to interchange information on a rapid two-way basis.
65. Do you have cable?
66. He would attach a cable around the chassis of the car and winch it up on to the canal bank.
67. The cable suddenly parted.
68. Power is fed into the electricity line through an underground cable.
69. The end of the cable was left poking out of the wall.
70. Each of the homes has a security system and is wired for cable television.
71. This new pay-TV channel sends signals via satellite to cable companies.
72. The electricity line is fed with power through an underground cable.
73. Nearly one home in ten across the country is wired up to receive TV via cable.
74. The show will be simulcast on NBC[Sentence dictionary], Fox and a number of cable networks.
75. Please write or cable.
76. Don't forget to cable us as soon as you arrive.
77. With a few swift blows of the axe, she severed the cable.
78. A cable car ascends the last 800 metres up to the sheer rock face.
79. New companies want to get in on the act and provide cable services.
80. A new submarine cable was laid from England to Holland.
81. No one could hear a word because someone had cut the amplifier cable.
82. The overhead cable is a potential death trap for birds.
83. Both could assume roles on the new cable network.
84. But when the cable came it was bad news.
85. Cable companies stopped selling air time.
86. How did one saw through a brake cable anyway?
87. In these cases a new cable is called for.
88. Viewing has increased since the appearance of cable TV.
89. He would saw through the brake cable.
90. It coincided with a big cable show in Anaheim.
More similar words: abletableunableenabletableaube able todisabledsuitablebearablereliablevariablevegetableavailableon the tablefavorableagreeablecomparableremarkableacceptablechangeablevulnerabletablespooninevitableuncomfortablesustainablebe availableunchangeableconsiderablecabcabin
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