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Unscramble in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2016-09-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: clear upcrackdecipherdecodeexplainfigure outresolvesolveSimilar words: scramblepreamblescratchstumbleresembleassemblecounselorcounselingMeaning: v. 1. make intelligible 2. become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of. 
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1. You need a decoding device to unscramble some of the signals sent out by satellite and cable TV.
2. All you have to do to win is unscramble the words here to find four names of birds.
3. But how do we unscramble our feelings?
4. Illegal descramblers are electronically altered so they unscramble every signal coming into the home.
5. Can you unscramble the message?
6. Gene engineering is in unscramble life mystery while,[Sentencedict] for human acknowledge life opened new view.
7. Most banks hate the idea of having to unscramble eggs.
8. This thesis tries to unscramble the intension of Nietzsche's tragedy from four points: the tragedy of death, the tragedy of reality, the tragedy of hero and the tragedy of overman.
9. Wonderful unscramble: Softness of filar qualitative cloth is fully thin, build a hazy feeling that if show, is like concealed, sexy glamour is released properly.
10. I certainly don't propose to unscramble plans that are already in existence.
11. After a few seconds to unscramble my thoughts(, I replied.
12. Wonderful unscramble: Drape material is qualitative with bowknot , melting in blossom sexy glamour.
13. Decoder: A device used to unscramble data signals and display them on a video screen.
14. To unscramble the local culture is the end - result of the dissertation.
15. Unscramble Alibaba the high level changes blood greatly: Is Ma Yun enrolled exceptionally again?
16. Sorters had to unscramble a moving target, while tests had to resist a moving arrow.
17. In Story mode, unscramble moving puzzles to reveal a hidden story.
18. In the research of Marxist configuration, we cannot unscramble Marxist theory according to the only text.
19. So, can we unscramble a medical domain from which what deep - seated information?
20. For your chance of a night to remember, just unscramble this word to reveal what might be on the menu.
21. It would be very simple to tell him everything and leave him to unscramble the truth contained in the confusion.
22. To the success of such arise suddenly, different person has unscramble differently.
23. Textual with eduction of body of the Song Dynasty, unscramble with block letter and boldface eduction.
24. Likelihood gibberish is much, cut a focal point now, unscramble the promotion method of graph king!
More similar words: scramblepreamblescratchstumbleresembleassemblecounselorcounselingunsettlingin schoolon scheduleassemblydramaframebamboosubconsciouslyconsciousnesscrawlcraftcrackcrashchamberrampageprogramgrammarcravingscrewdramaticambiguousambitious
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