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Cable in a sentence

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Sentence count:176+20Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cordropetelegraphwireSimilar words: abletableunableenabletableaube able todisabledsuitableMeaning: ['keɪbl]  n. 1. a telegram sent abroad 2. a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power 3. a very strong thick rope made of twisted hemp or steel wire 4. a nautical unit of depth 5. television that is transmitted over cable directly to the receiver 6. a television system that transmits over cables. v. 1. send cables, wires, or telegrams 2. fasten with a cable. 
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31. Please write or cable as soon as you arrive.
32. Cable TV subscribers pay monthly fees .
33. All the rooms have been wired for cable TV.
34. He sawed through a power cable by mistake.
35. The telephone cable has got twisted .
36. Cable television has been around for some time now.
37. Bare wires were sticking out of the cable.
38. The cable has a 140kg breaking strain .
39. The worker attached a cable.
40. The office has gone over to cable.
41. Some cable companies offer free local calls.
42. The cable is not quite long enough .
43. She sent a cable to her mother.
44. We can receive up to 500 cable channels.
45. They ran commercials on cable systems across the country.
46. Cable TV reaches a huge audience .
47. Rory plugged the cable back into the socket.
48. That cable is dangerous. Someone might trip over it.
49. Many USB devices come with their own built-in cable.
50. This channel is only available on cable.
51. Connect a cable to the output.
52. Cable television companies have launched major campaigns to increase their number of subscribers.
53. We ran a cable from the lights to the stage.
54. An employee sold him on the notion that cable was the medium of the future.
55. In half an hour[], they'd switched the tags on every cable.
56. You need a decoding device to unscramble some of the signals sent out by satellite and cable TV.
57. Use this cable to attach the printer to the computer.
58. Internet and cable television companies suffer from a high churn rate.
59. Connect the printer to your PC with a printer cable.
60. He unscrewed the back of the telephone and started connecting it to the cable.
More similar words: abletableunableenabletableaube able todisabledsuitablebearablereliablevariablevegetableavailableon the tablefavorableagreeablecomparableremarkableacceptablechangeablevulnerabletablespooninevitableuncomfortablesustainablebe availableunchangeableconsiderablecabcabin
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