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Assist in in a sentence

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Sentence count:159+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: assistassistantassistanceconsist indistinctexistingdistinctiondistinctive
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1. The army arrived to assist in the search.
2. You will be employed to assist in the development of new equipment.
3. To assist in the overall management of the Division.
4. Aims: to assist in the setting up of local self help groups and to provide information and counselling.
5. The manufacturers also assist in developing applications software for specific jobs.
6. Ahab cries for some of the crew to assist in this and Pip volunteers.
7. To participate and where necessary assist in the training activities of the Department.
8. Loan counselors using the Internet assist in selecting the right mortgage loan.
9. It can assist in diminishing the effects of an asthma attack and is an integral part of the childbirth process.
10. Analysts assist in developing procedural guidelines and policies governing the development, formulation, and maintenance of the budget.
11. After retirement they returned to that country to assist in the clinic in the embattled township of Alexandra, outside Johannesburg.
12. A strong image will assist in this identification,[Sentencedict] although it can act negatively as well as positively.
13. In this position, you will assist in training new employees.
14. To prepare information and review materials to assist in the evaluation and development of school and departmental effective learning policies. 4.
15. An examination of Lacanian psychoanalysis will therefore assist in developing my thesis that philosophical texts represent a form of self-construction.
16. It could potentially improve care, assist in medical research and help in detecting patterns of insurance fraud.
17. Assist in delegated clinical research. Determine nursing priorities on a daily basis and plan patient care according to staff availability and capabilities.
18. We are looking for people who would be willing to assist in the group's work.
19. This graphic representation of idea growth provides information that will assist in the optimization of the stages of the innovation process.
20. The free Negro militia ingratiated themselves with the white community by offering to assist in military operations against the slaves.
21. What a guy, huh? Give us a call if we can assist in any way.
22. It was furthermore an exercise in gaining experience in measurements with grass samples[], to assist in spotting unforeseen problems.
23. Conclusions A probabilistic syntax processor has been developed to assist in the selection of the correct words for a text recognition system.
24. This compartment has been specially contoured with smooth rounded corners to assist in making cleaning yet again easier.
25. Doing history does require an imaginative leap, and contact with real evidence from the past can often assist in this process.
26. Fole and the others help him complete his designs, and subsequently assist in invoking the spirits.
27. The second is to develop the promotional materials which can assist in conveying the main, general arguments for teaching history.
28. The workers will eventually take leaves of absence to assist in several regional organizing campaigns.
29. Foreign relations On Sept. 16 the United Kingdom government announced an aid package to assist in the process of democratization.
30. We also have an undertaking from the supermarkets and some of the food industry that they will assist in providing managers.
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