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Widespread in a sentence

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Sentence count:271+28Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: far-flungSimilar words: spread outwidedespitewidelydesperatedesperatelyworldwidenationwideMeaning: [ˈwaɪdspred; -ˈspred]  adj. 1. widely circulated or diffused 2. distributed over a considerable extent. 
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91. The region, with its widespread poverty, provided fertile ground for revolutionary activitists.
92. There is widespread discontent among the staff at the proposed changes to pay and conditions.
93. Computer hacking has become very widespread over the last decade.
94. Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is still far too widespread.
95. These weeks of drought have once again raised the spectre of widespread famine.
96. There was widespread speculation that she was going to resign.
97. There have been reports of widespread enemy action in the area.
98. News that the claims might be true set off widespread panic.
99. Gandhi became an object of widespread veneration because of his unceasing struggle for freedom and equality.
100. There has been an immediate/widespread/hostile reaction against the government's proposed tax increases.
101. Any event attended by the actor received widespread media coverage.
102. There is now widespread support for these proposals, according to a recent public opinion poll.
103. The most widespread drug addiction is to alcohol, tobacco, and sleeping pills.
104. It was important that they secure a large and widespread audience. They failed on both counts.
105. There was widespread picketing of mines where work was continuing.
106. A recent customer survey showed widespread ignorance about the availability of organic food.
107. The whole process was greatly helped by the widespread availability of computers.
108. Despite widespread unpopularity, the party did not meet its Waterloo until the election of 1997.
109. The union arm-twisted the company into negotiating by threatening widespread strikes.
110. There were reports of widespread looting as football hooligans stampeded through the city centre.
111. The next 36 hours will be even colder with snow showers becoming more widespread.
112. There is a widespread dissatisfaction among the students with the food on campus.
113. There is widespread agreement on the need for prison reform.
114. The high cost prohibits the widespread use of this dictionary.
115. The Government acted quickly to relieve the widespread distress caused by the earthquake.
116. He is a veteran parliamentarian whose views enjoy widespread respect.
117. Price gouging is widespread.
118. There is still not widespread acceptance that fathers can care for children as well as mothers do.
119. The bombing has been far more widespread than the military will admit.
120. The accident on the main road through town is causing widespread disruption for motorists.
More similar words: spread outwidedespitewidelydesperatedesperatelyworldwidenationwidebesidesreadreaderthreadreadilyalreadyget readypreachalready inpresidentpresidencypresidentialside by sidespraywidowspring upsprinkledesertmodestdesignresponddessert
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