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Worldwide in a sentence

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Sentence count:192+14 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cosmopolitanecumenicalgeneralglobaloecumenicalplanetaryuniversalworldworld-wideSimilar words: worldin the worldall over the worldwidewidelynationwidewidespreadhold waterMeaning: [ˈwɜːl(d)waɪd; wɜːl(d)ˈwaɪd]  adj. 1. spanning or extending throughout the entire world 2. involving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope 3. of worldwide scope or applicability. 
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1. Chinese porcelain enjoys worldwide fame.
2. He is a worldwide famous designer.
3. One in four people worldwide are without adequate homes.
4. The story has attracted worldwide attention.
5. Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition.
6. He had notched up more than 25 victories worldwide.
7. The company has a worldwide reputation for quality.
8. There are 2,000 children worldwide who need a bone marrow transplant.
9. King was a worldwide symbol of non-violent protest against racial injustice.
10. Worldwide sales look set to top $1 billion.
11. This book has worldwide sales.
12. The company has worldwide distribution channels.
13. 8 billion has been wiped off share prices worldwide.
14. The enthusiasm for Latin music is worldwide.
15. They claim to have a 40% worldwide market share.
16. Our products are now traded worldwide.
17. The worldwide picture for tribal people remains grim.
18. He rose from relative obscurity to worldwide recognition.
19. The band is famous worldwide.
20. The Society boasts 3000 members worldwide.
21. The company's worldwide turnover exceeds $5 billion.
22. We have offices in over 56 countries worldwide.
23. The new century will begin amid much fanfare worldwide.
24. Today[], doctors are fearing a worldwide epidemic.
25. We have 2 000 members worldwide.
26. The society expanded into a worldwide organization.
27. At their apogee(, the novels of Spillane claimed worldwide sales of over 180 million.
28. The band are riding on the crest of a wave with the worldwide success of their number one selling single.
29. His books have sold more than 20 million copies worldwide.
30. Enviros Consulting has a client base of more than 2,000 organisations worldwide.
More similar words: worldin the worldall over the worldwidewidelynationwidewidespreadhold waterside by sidesandwichaccord withwidowfor lifefor lack ofmore or lesssooner or laterwordworkat workworksworryworthnetworkworkoutworthywork upwork outat worstwork atwork off
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