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Vertical in a sentence

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Sentence count:278+11Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: erectperpendicularstandinguprightAntonym: horizontalSimilar words: advertisingcriticaladvertisementpoliticalpracticalidenticalpracticallypoliticallyMeaning: ['vɜrtɪkl /'vɜːt-]  n. 1. something that is oriented vertically 2. a vertical structural member as a post or stake. adj. 1. at right angles to the plane of the horizon or a base line 2. relating to or involving all stages of a business from production to distribution 3. upright in position or posture 4. of or relating to different levels in a hierarchy (as levels of social class or income group). 
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151. Brown vertical trunks absorbed the righteousness of the fields and shot heavenward like sacred pillars of an ancient pagoda.
152. The long axis of the bar is vertical and the dotted lines indicate our line of sight to the Galactic Centre.
153. Then there is a vertical top-roping wall with colour coded routes and top-ropes permanently in position.
154. There was a deep vertical crease in the driver's door, and the door wasn't hanging right.
155. Wedges are used under the former to get the vertical position exactly right.
156. At the bottom of the Grand Canyon the oldest rocks of all are exposed in a gorge lined with vertical cliffs.
157. The basic color is green with black vertical markings that form rectangles.
158. Mark the floor, walls and ceiling, making sure that wall marks are truly vertical.
159. The structures provide a measure of vertical relief sought by deep-sea invertebrates that make their living off particles in the water column.
160. Hence we turn to such matters and therefore to the question of vertical restraints.
161. Without mountain building and other vertical rejuvenation all land would eventually be reduced to sea level.
162. Although some Roman keys do have a vertical bow, keys from the Saxon and medieval periods rarely employ a horizontal bow.
163. A small steam roller with a vertical boiler between twin rollers was used in Penge and Anerley.
164. Suddenly three round-headed porpoises came bursting out of the nearly vertical wavefront immediately behind us.
165. The Croydon design used a vertical falling piston against a nozzle and is now obsolete.
166. In the extreme case where the aggregate supply curve is vertical, the increased money supply will simply lead to higher prices.
167. This technique can relate a shape to its dual, eg, a dual of a horizontal line is a vertical line.
168. In Fig. 11-7 the wage rates for labour in the two localities are shown on the vertical axis.
169. To provide vertical emphasis and break the line of those surrounding walls, pergolas and a rose covered arbour have been introduced.
170. The Commission has also looked closely at the potential anticompetitive effects of vertical integration.
171. This dictum applies particularly to price discrimination and vertical restraints.
172. Any plate tectonics model of the Andes must in fact account for the uplift essentially in terms of vertical tectonics.
173. The vertical axis to the same scale represents elapsed time and the diagonal is drawn in as shown.
174. More recently, multinationals and foreign capital, with all their implications, have made vertical upward mobility difficult.
175. Pat drives up to it and begins a vertical ascent.
176. The upper floor, reached by a vertical ladder,( was piled with hay.
177. A vertical lust shivered through her, connecting mind and viscera.
178. The setting is more precise with horizontal heaters; you may need to experiment with vertical heaters.
179. For example, organizational buyers commonly have strong vertical vendor relationships based on prior purchases of previous versions of a particular product.
180. Each individual cell grows as a vertical column by inserting new cell wall material uniformly along its length.
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