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Overture in a sentence

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Sentence count:46+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-24Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bidintroductionofferpreludeproposalSimilar words: apertureperturbnurturedepartureperturbationovertcovertdeparture timeMeaning: ['əʊvərtjr /'əʊvətjʊə]  n. 1. orchestral music played at the beginning of an opera or oratorio 2. something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows 3. a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others. 
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1. The programme opened with the overture to Wagner's Flying Dutchman.
2. They played the overture at a fairly slow tempo.
3. Maggie was never one to reject a friendly overture.
4. The opera was preceded by a short overture.
5. The concert opens with Beethoven's Egmont Overture.
6. At this overture, Alice looked perplexed.
7. The Svoboda overture seemed a minor but palpable discovery.
8. One performer did a silly mime during the overture.
9. The opening item, Berlioz's King Lear overture, one of that composer's earliest works, is not often performed.
10. So in the overture they put Reuben Reeves on stage doing some of Louis's tunes.
11. Davis's way with the overture was beautifully supple[ ], his gradual unfolding of the emotions of the work deeply moving.
12. However, the overture also appears to have been motivated by economic considerations.
13. His overture led to nothing.
14. That's the overture to Mozart's Don Giovanni.
15. Gioacchino Rossini. The Barber Of Seville Overture.
16. This is an overture to the Russians.
17. Drinks were the overture to dinner.
18. Usher: No(, even the overture hasn't started yet.
19. Overture of Spring Festival is a very famous instrumental music.
20. Overture or symphonic poem?
21. In the 15th symphony he quotes a passage from Rossini's "William Tell" overture.
22. The program included a lacklustre and flaccid account of Rossini's Overture to "La gazza ladra".
23. The audience must be in their seats before the overture.
24. Afterwards he told me that one or two of the younger players in the orchestra had never played the overture before.
25. Neighbours will appreciate a further benefit - it does not rely on the 1812 overture or other audible deterrents.
26. The conductor deserved plaudits for substituting the Kodaly dances for an originally slated Mendelssohn overture.
27. Already Nicola, ever impetuous, was outgrowing Oxford, and knocking back every overture to come her way.
28. The audiences must be in their seats before the overture.
29. After a few repetitions of that insistent, one-note beep, the overture begins building off its rhythm. The busy signal became a musical theme for the entire opening number.
30. The president pledged to tackle medical - malpractice lawsuits in an overture to Republicans.
More similar words: apertureperturbnurturedepartureperturbationovertcovertdeparture timeover therepovertyextrovertoverthrowturn overturnoverall over the worldincontrovertibleover and overover and over againtorturouscouturematurefuturenatureavertfixtureposturefeaturecaptureventuretexture
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