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Vertical in a sentence

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Sentence count:278+11Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: erectperpendicularstandinguprightAntonym: horizontalSimilar words: advertisingcriticaladvertisementpoliticalpracticalidenticalpracticallypoliticallyMeaning: ['vɜrtɪkl /'vɜːt-]  n. 1. something that is oriented vertically 2. a vertical structural member as a post or stake. adj. 1. at right angles to the plane of the horizon or a base line 2. relating to or involving all stages of a business from production to distribution 3. upright in position or posture 4. of or relating to different levels in a hierarchy (as levels of social class or income group). 
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121. They are pushing upwards because their stalks function as vertical hydraulic rams.
122. Thus together they amount to a concerted attempt to investigate whether or not any form of vertical behaviour is to be allowed.
123. There will be a development environment and beta versions of the complete environment tailored for vertical markets running up to its release.
124. Vertical differentiation in mineralogy in weathering profiles may also reflect the stage-by-stage alteration of primary rock minerals.
125. The battens should be screwed loosely into position and then checked to see if they present a flat vertical surface.
126. Install joist hangers on each vertical line, lining up the bottom of the hanger with the bottom of the ledger.
127. The vertical column is filled with glass beads or randomly orientated short pieces of glass tubing.
128. He then attacked a third which went down in a vertical dive, apparently into the sea.
129. The serious aerial photographer will be looking for adjustment through vertical and horizontal axes so that the field of view is precise.
130. Trees evenly spaced, at regulation height, and all plumb vertical, must be avoided like the plague.
131. Horizontal or diagonal branches produce more flowering shoots, and therefore more fruit, than vertical ones.
132. It can not climb back from a vertical drop since it lacks the body diameter of the rabbit.
133. Instead, the Cut / Copy Rectangle command used the exact position of the cursor to define the vertical section of text.
134. She recommends that retailers merchandise the fixture in four vertical segments according to absorbency and stack the brands horizontally.
135. The face on the computer screen is seen through a grid which divides into 512 horizontal and 480 vertical squares.
136. Thus the relatively stable East Midlands Platform has not undergone post-Permian vertical movements of some 2500 m indicated by the vitrinite data.
137. The principle of ability to pay thus reflects a concern about vertical equity.
138. The more nearly vertical an object's trajectory, the deeper it penetrates into the atmosphere before catastrophic disruption.
139. Vertical packages tend to be of a pioneering nature, whereas horizontal packages tend to result from the development of existing ideas.
140. On its vertical face, clinging beneath overhangs, jammed three or four deep into cracks, are a million scarlet crabs.
141. The point or date of the intervention is represented on the graph by a solid vertical line.
142. Stripes always look good when they are vertical and the same goes for the soft edges of these stripes.
143. A climber literally crawls, hand over hand, up a vertical face, sinking the ax with every step.
144. Briefly, a vertical tube turned a blank glass eye on him and Ezra and the glass eye contemplated each other.
145. Soon they were between vertical walls and the river was roaring mud.
145. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
146. The regimes under which nationalised industries function are by no means the only examples of vertical devolution under the United Kingdom constitution at present.
147. Most convection models predict that convection cells have similar horizontal and vertical dimensions, although arguments have been presented against this idea.
148. Concurrent is also restricting its sales focus to seven vertical markets to maintain its profits.
149. Vertical pitches descend 250 feet to an immense cavern, second in dimensions only to the chamber in Gaping Gill.
150. Vertical dashed lines enclose periods of contemporaneous high lake levels and elevated geothermal activity on rift volcanoes.
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