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Utilitarianism in a sentence

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Sentence count:74Posted:2017-03-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: utilitarianegalitarianismtotalitarianismegalitarianmilitarismtotalitarianauthoritariandemilitarized zoneMeaning: [‚juː'tɪlɪ'terɪənɪzm /-teər-]  n. doctrine that the useful is the good; especially as elaborated by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill; the aim was said to be the greatest happiness for the greatest number. 
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(31) Two most important concepts of social justice, that is, utilitarianism and dictionary minimum rule, are closely related.
(32) Then he generalized the former ethics into three methods including egoism, intuitionism and utilitarianism.
(33) The other great ethical system of the post - enlightenment era is Utilitarianism.
(34) Utilitarianism was the logical backbone of his attempts at social reform.
(35) Since modern industrial times, human langue has been becoming a utilitarianism tool subject to the technical senses.
(36) According to the circumstance of the act, utilitarianism and deontology can be integrated together in two modes,[] thus two frameworks for moral decision-making can be formed.
(37) The liberalism of Mill was influenced by earlier utilitarianism , which he constantly amended afterwards.
(38) Posner's purpose is to elucidate wealth maximization's superiority over utilitarianism.
(39) Through cognition and criticism, Rawls discloses the theory puzzledom in the utilitarianism ideas, which spans the agent's intuition and the value rule of the community.
(40) The imperfections of market economy often function as catalysis to such personality deficiencies as individualism, utilitarianism, selfish departmentalism and opportunism .
(41) Another view that might be taken by researchers is John Stuart Mill's utilitarianism.
(42) He stated comprehensive development of human, claimed actively self –liberation, paid fervidly a tribute to utilitarianism[], and emphasized accord individual happiness with social interest.
(43) Usually prioritarianism demands more of the developed countries than utilitarianism does.
(44) The difference between this theory and the Confucious school, the Legalist school and the Mohist school is the contradiction between the spirit of individual consciousness and social utilitarianism.
(45) Moreover, nine merits of utilitarianism are listed and explained, seven of which are common to all forms of utilitarianism, and the remaining two are particulars to UUT.
(46) In art appreciation, the aesthetic perception of the work of social utilitarianism.
(47) After all, Sidgwick left the dualism of practical reason for us. He failed to put utilitarianism and egoism together, although he succeeded in unifying intuitionism and utilitarianism.
(48) Utilitarianism is a very broad, imprecise concept that covers a multitude of underlying theoretical positions.
(49) From these paintings one can see the primitive order of values of these peoples , and the utilitarianism, chaos and illogic of their order of values.
(50) Generally speaking, moral decision-making is based on two ethical theories: utilitarianism and deontology.
(51) Which from of utilitarianism is particularly relevant to the Chinese context?
(52) In my research, I will argue that utilitarianism, contrary to its critics' (mis)conception, has theoretical resources to take full account of commonsensical moral rules.
(53) Which form of utilitarianism is particularly relevant to the Chinese context?
(54) Based on this, this article attempts to launch the concrete research from Mocius and Jeremy Bentham utilitarianism thought in order to instruct the modern market economy development.
(55) Mill produced his most important work, A System of Logic in mid- life, but is principally remembered now for his short and much later work Utilitarianism published in 1863.
(56) Ross(1877-1940) presented an ethical theory in his book The Right and the Good that can be seen as an attempt to incorporate aspects of utilitarianism and aspects of Kantianism.
(57) It is applied art, is the pure art of Utilitarianism.
(58) Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) called utilitarianism "pig philosophy"; as it appeared to base the goal of ethics on the swinish pleasures of the multitude.
(59) Using revenue voluntary theories, utilitarianism and psychological contract theories, the problem of illusive Demand Curve resulted from free riding was analyzed.
(60) The most influential example of consequential moral reasoning is Utilitarianism, a doctrine invented by Jeremy Bentham, the 18th century English political philosopher.
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