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Agrarian in a sentence

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Sentence count:77+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-11-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: agriculturalfarmingSimilar words: totalitarianisma grandvagrantaustrianhistorianfragrantvariabletriangularMeaning: [ə'greərɪən]  adj. relating to rural matters. 
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1. This is prime agrarian land.
2. People are leaving an agrarian way of life to go to the city.
3. This part of the country is mainly agrarian.
4. In the more traditional agrarian societies these mobile constructors formed an important bridge between rural and industrial life.
5. Agrarian reform programmes have differed in their emphasis, whether it be on land distribution or agricultural production.
6. The difficulty with many agrarian reform programmes has been achieving both social justice and economic growth.
7. During the suppression of the agrarian unrest of 1830 he attempted, unsuccessfully, to improve the wages of labourers around Dorchester.
8. Formation of third Agrarian party On March 29 there was a further split among the agrarian parties.
9. It is in their attitude to agrarian reform that the premisses of liberalism emerge most clearly.
10. It began with the Agrarian Law of 30 June 1950, which ruthlessly ousted landed proprietors and rich peasants.
11. The Agrarian Code of 1922 strictly forbade the sale of land and the granting of mortgages.
12. A stable and balanced agrarian economy had degenerated into precarious monocultures and backwater towns.
13. An Institute of Agrarian Reform was founded to break up large estates and redistribute them to landless labourers.
14. Once a feudal, agrarian society, the island has recently been urbanised, industrialised and Americanised.
15. The great agrarian depression of the 1870s and 1880s was thus essentially a depression of the staple national and international food-crops.
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16. Yet if one compares these two essentially agrarian communities in temporal terms, the situation is reversed.
17. In order to achieve these goals, an agrarian reform programme should have three main elements.
18. Its aim was to solve the agonizing agrarian problem by persuading landowners to make voluntary gifts of land.
19. Other studies have showed that profiting from agrarian reform can be combined with a more radical political commitment.
20. Those changes were further propelled by agrarian reform laws in the 1960s and 1970s.
21. The centre of the U.S. economy shifted from the agrarian areas to the industrial centres in the north.
22. A rapid acceleration took place in the implementation of the agrarian reform.
23. It would nevertheless be a mistake to regard the agrarian economy of Savoy as completely static and unmoving.
24. But the rebels introduced an equitable tax system and an agrarian reform program, distributing land to poor villagers.
25. Yet despite these incipient industrial concentrations, the economy of Piedmont remained overwhelmingly agrarian and rural.
26. By the 1870s sufficient of world agriculture was in the second position to make agrarian depression both world-wide and politically explosive.
27. The old values which had underpinned Britain when it was an agrarian society were threatened by a new urban poor.
28. They industrialized later than the democratic countries and had a strong agrarian elite.
29. On the crucial issue of land ownership(, the many agrarian laws passed in various States have been ineffective in practice.
30. Second, the economies of all three countries continued to be based on agrarian production characterized by a strong presence of peasants.
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