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Variance in a sentence

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Sentence count:257+6 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: disagreementdiscrepancydivergencedivisionvariabilityvariablenessvariantvariationSimilar words: variablevariationagrariansectariantotalitarianismalliancedefiancecomplianceMeaning: ['verɪəns /'veər-]  n. 1. an event that departs from expectations 2. discord that splits a group 3. the second moment around the mean; the expected value of the square of the deviations of a random variable from its mean value 4. a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions 5. the quality of being subject to variation 6. an official dispensation to act contrary to a rule or regulation (typically a building regulation) 7. an activity that varies from a norm or standard. 
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1. Jill and Sue are at variance over/about their lodger.
2. Tradition and culture are often at variance with the needs of modern living.
3. There has been some unusual variance in temperature this month.
4. The good in him was a constant variance with the bad.
5. This theory is at variance with the known facts.
6. These conclusions are totally at variance with the evidence.
7. The question of woman suffrage sets them at variance.
8. We had to get a variance before we could build the extension on our house.
9. Many of his statements were at variance with the facts.
10. The developer requested a variance to build a shopping center on the east side of town.
11. The Spirit reconciles men who were at variance.
12. The results are often at variance with the clinical diagnosis.
13. A variance should prompt questions which identify areas in which cost and project control may be improved.
14. We shall refer to this as the minimum variance criterion.
15. Differentiating the variance of Y and evaluating at, this policy can he seen to reduce the coefficient of variation if.
16. Before calculation of the explained variance, both simulated and observed temperatures have been adjusted to have the same 1861-1900 mean.
17. Survey data indicate no variance in church attendance between blue- and white-collar workers.
18. The Communists were at variance with all their previous allies and there was room for an alternative viewpoint.
19. This analysis is therefore totally at variance with that of Bacon and Eltis.
20. The proportion of the total variance such correlations account for is of course small and their importance should be judged accordingly.
21. To obtain quantitative information from the mean and variance data requires the assumption of a more constrained model of the release process.
22. Young people's reactions to world events are often at variance with those of their parents.
23. Most heavy metal fans are under 20 - this is at variance with the age of the bands themselves(, who are often over 40.
24. As long as your interests and mine were at variance I could give you no counsel on this subject.
25. He uttered a string of oaths,[] so oddly at variance with his usual smooth and civilized manner.
26. In other words just over 12 percent of the total variance is still accounted for by non-market factors.
27. The first principal component, carrying 50 percent of the original variance, was dominated by land-cover differences in the rural area.
28. There is likely to be material that is at variance with your own views.
29. The research examines this conclusion since it is at variance with rational economic planning.
30. And he measures the unpredictability of aggregate demand in the ith country by the variance of.
More similar words: variablevariationagrariansectariantotalitarianismalliancedefiancecomplianceappliancevarietyavaricevariousa varietya variety ofvariegatedaustrianhistorianavariciouslyprevaricationtriangularthe proletariatcancelcancerdancechancestanceglancefrancedancerpenance
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