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Utilitarian in a sentence

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Sentence count:97+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: usefulSimilar words: egalitariantotalitarianegalitarianismtotalitarianismmilitarismauthoritariandemilitarized zoneutilityMeaning: [‚juːtɪlɪ'terɪən /-'teər-]  n. someone who believes that the value of a thing depends on its utility. adj. 1. having a useful function 2. having utility often to the exclusion of values. 
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1. Bruce's office is a corner one, utilitarian and unglamorous.
2. Like many factories it's a very ugly utilitarian building.
3. His office is very utilitarian in style, with no decoration.
4. Sometimes, woman-centred theory is given a utilitarian justification.
5. The student accommodationis strictly utilitarian.
6. This is a utilitarian relationship with nature, in which it becomes a treasure chest of consumer goodies.
7. Utilitarian notions in the social sciences are not enough for even providing a conceptual framework for grasping what actually happens.
8. A utilitarian concrete block clogged with book kiosks and leftist murals, it draws its 17,000 students from six northern provinces.
9. Mitchell groaned when he saw her old backpack, utilitarian relic of hippie days.
10. But Boston has also taken a utilitarian approach, often going where opportunity knocks in the search for partners.
11. But Newman was right to warn of the utilitarian threat to liberal education.
12. For the utilitarian, apparently, it was enough to demonstrate the advantages offered by the social order.
13. It brightens the utilitarian facade of our modern building and provides material for lessons.
14. In employing essentially utilitarian criteria, the Wolfenden Committee gave rise to legislation which decriminalised certain forms of homosexual conduct.
15. Treated as an instance of the Utilitarian calculus, the whole increasingly complicated operation would no doubt be quite unreal.
16. It was James Mill who was the best publicist for utilitarian ideas on government.
16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
17. The sum total of individual votes ought therefore to promote the utilitarian objective of the greatest happiness of the greatest number.
18. Hedonic value is more subjective and personal than its utilitarian counterpart and results from fun and playfulness rather than from task completion.
19. They were sturdy and wooden; quite beautiful in their uncluttered, utilitarian lines.
20. Along with many of his contemporaries, Mercator held the Baconian belief that knowledge should be exploited for utilitarian ends.
21. She hoped that he would not find the jam jar too utilitarian, but he appeared to possess few vases.
22. This was by no means simply a matter of higher education becoming more utilitarian.
23. My father was a carpenter and held a passionate but essentially utilitarian belief in education.
24. In the eighteenth century criticism was less moralistic than utilitarian and economic.
25. Perhaps we are fond of her just because she is so ugly and utilitarian.
26. That at Hyderabad with its wide cornices and balustraded roof detail was somewhat less austere than its more utilitarian neighbour at Secunderabad.
27. What this means is that overall economic policy should be dictated by utilitarian considerations, aiming to improve the general welfare.
28. Broadly speaking, on-line shopping experiences can be categorized into two distinct dimensions: utilitarian and hedonic value.
29. The intent of such monsters today is not simply to be bigger, sportier and more utilitarian than sport utilities.
30. Psychology's theoretical inadequacies often lead it to replace theory with utilitarian generalizations from its most reliable methods.
More similar words: egalitariantotalitarianegalitarianismtotalitarianismmilitarismauthoritariandemilitarized zoneutilityvegetariansectarianmilitaryutiliseutilizevariantvarianceagrarianutilizationproletariathostilityfertilitysolitarythe proletariatinfertilitymilitatemilitantfertility ratefacilitatefacilitatedrehabilitateinevitability
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