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Home > Unbeatable in a sentence

Unbeatable in a sentence

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Sentence count:53+5 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: debatabletablebe able tonotablebearabletableausuitablevegetableMeaning: adj. 1. hard to defeat 2. incapable of being overcome or subdued. 
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1. The French team looks unbeatable.
2. The 23-year-old US tennis star looks unbeatable this season.
3. God and Country are an unbeatable team; they break all records for oppression and bloodshed.
4. He now has an almost unbeatable lead over his rivals.
5. These resorts, like Magaluf and Arenal, remain unbeatable in terms of price.
6. For good pizzas at a reasonable price they're unbeatable.
7. The Brazilian team is regarded as unbeatable.
8. United remain unbeatable at the top of the League.
9. History shows that New Zealand are almost unbeatable by British teams on their own turf.
10. It's a truly monumental work, at an unbeatable price.
11. As a flavour enhancer, lemon is unbeatable.
12. His unbeatable skills in the ring and his deep insights into the historical forces shaping his era make him unique.
13. They also have high impact resistance, offering unbeatable value, quality and performance.
14. The opposition was unbeatable.
15. Now he seems nearly unbeatable(, ready to turn pro immediately.
16. Gourmets know that autumn crabs andan unbeatable combination.
17. You may not be the most luminous of people, but as a conductor of light, you are unbeatable.
18. This year the team has shown itself to be almost unbeatable.
19. With two more days of competition to go China is in an unbeatable position.
20. And operated alongside the A320, these aircraft provide an unbeatable combination.
21. The climate is certainly milder, the atmosphere more relaxed, the golf unbeatable and the prices surprisingly low.
22. In terms of a classic manual gearbox, I think it is still unbeatable today.
23. And when you add the power of shared values, you have an unbeatable combination.
23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
24. Before the match the Aussies had established such a reputation that people began to believe they were unbeatable.
25. Baker was first heard no record in a public jam session of 1941 and quickly established an unbeatable reputation in London clubs.
26. What made it worse was that they all knew that the Columbia was virtually unbeatable.
27. Rooms have recently had a lick of paint, but nothing too drastic, making this an unbeatable central London bargain.
28. There was the boyish enthusiasm and raw speed of Maurice Greene and the quiet, understated professionalism of the unbeatable Michael Johnson.
29. This freedom of choice, our local knowledge and the security of purchasing through a household name must be an unbeatable combination.
30. The library profession is merging new techniques with old to produce an unbeatable combination of management skills.
More similar words: debatabletablebe able tonotablebearabletableausuitablevegetableimmutablecomfortableequitableon the tableadaptabletimetablebe availableinevitableacceptabletablespooncreditabledelectablehospitableprofitableinimitableuncomfortableinequitablerespectableirrefutableinscrutablebreathableinhospitable
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