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Ballroom in a sentence

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Sentence count:138+5 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: dance halldance palaceSimilar words: all roundroombedroomcourtroombathroommushroomclassroomall rightMeaning: n. large room used mainly for dancing. 
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1. The ballroom is the crowning glory of the palace.
2. I dropped across a friend at the ballroom.
3. Confetti blanketed the ballroom floor.
4. She came gliding gracefully into the ballroom in a long flowing gown.
5. The ballroom suddenly lit up.
6. The chandelier depends from the ceiling of the ballroom.
7. The ballroom was ablaze with lights.
8. They milled around the ballroom with video cameras.
9. The ballroom can accommodate 400 people.
10. Dancers wheeled gracefully on the ballroom floor.
11. Jack danced Marry around the ballroom.
12. Several hundred people twirl around the ballroom dance floor.
13. The ballroom was peopled with guests.
14. The boss of the ballroom excused them the fee.
15. I head back to the ballroom.
16. He sped down the staircase and into the ballroom.
17. The ballroom was bedecked with flowers for the reception.
18. We teach the full range of ballroom dances.
19. He supposed he'd better go back into the ballroom.
20. Horgan arrives in the ballroom twenty minutes later.
21. I drift around the ballroom,( spearing meatballs and feeling bad.
22. As you approach the hotel ballroom, you begin to hear the faint strains of a Mariachi band.
22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
23. Who, in its halcyon days, imagined Carthage a ballroom for the wind?
24. Voice over They've been ballroom dancing in Cheltenham Town Hall for 50 years now.
25. It's like an Electric Ballroom gig: rowdy, bawdy, hands outstretched, fingers touching, bodies crushing.
26. The Grand Duke and his Duchess were in the ballroom, superintending the installation of the decorations.
27. Longbine said line dancers have concluded that repeated dance floor collisions were acts of aggression by the ballroom dancers.
28. There were laboratories and lecture rooms, a library, a refectory, a ballroom and a theatre.
29. He followed her as they approached the green-and-gold-painted double doors leading to the ballroom.
30. Nicholas Hotel, a costume party with the Mayor present and the ballroom packed with people stamping their feet and clapping.
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