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Twist in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+10Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: altercamouflagechangecirclecolorcurvedisguisedistortfalsifygyratemisrepresentpivotrotateswivelturnwheelwindSimilar words: twinJewishwish forlikewisemeet withthink twiceconflict withlistMeaning: [twɪst]  n. 1. an unforeseen development 2. an interpretation of a text or action 3. any clever maneuver 4. the act of rotating rapidly 5. a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments 6. a sharp bend in a line produced when a line having a loop is pulled tight 7. a circular segment of a curve 8. a miniature whirlpool or whirlwind resulting when the current of a fluid doubles back on itself 9. a jerky pulling movement 10. a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair 11. social dancing in which couples vigorously twist their hips and arms in time to the music; was popular in the 1960s 12. the act of winding or twisting 13. turning or twisting around (in place). v. 1. to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling) 2. cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form 3. turn in the opposite direction 4. form into a spiral shape 5. form into twists 6. extend in curves and turns 7. do the twist 8. twist or pull violently or suddenly, especially so as to remove (something) from that to which it is attached or from where it originates 9. practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive 10. twist suddenly so as to sprain. 
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151. An attacker can be quite literally tied up in an excruciatingly painful arm twist in seconds.
152. The extra weight acted as levers which made Hsu Fu twist and wrack even more.
153. Holly strained with his fingers to twist the coin under the lip of the bolt.
154. The twist mop is a modern development of the socket mop with the handle being twisted to wring out the mop.
154. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
155. And a new twist is given to the urge to be a Napoleon.
156. It would seek to twist Government's arm to ensure that appropriate management was bought in.
157. Leave it in and twist small sections of hair together to achieve better curl formation.
158. Styling gel was applied to the ends which were then finished with a twist.
159. But minutes later, this carjacking took a deadly new twist.
160. This talented five-piece pours a sweet and sultry mix of original torch melodies with a twist of crisp and snappy swing sounds.
161. The girls just pick the flowers and twist them into the circlets they put on their heads.
162. Mortified by the twist in his sobriety, George decided to go the whole hog and join the Total Abstinence Society.
163. You may be lucky and that necessary little twist may be given to you by the workings of intuition.
164. Despite many bridges, viaducts, embankments, cuttings and tunnels the lines twist and turn in detours around the hills.
165. Gasping for breath, Isabel managed to twist her head away from him and look around.
166. Prince Charles could never have dreamed of this twist to his call for respectful allegiance to the past.
167. These accounts portray life behind bars as a cruel twist on the Hobbesian description of life: nasty, brutish and long.
168. Readership duplication and the extremes of circulation size add a surprising twist to these class divisions.
169. The final twist lifts the story a bit, but hardly enough to care.
170. They seem to have neither fins nor limbs, and they twist and turn through the water like snakes.
171. Gather up four corners of filo, twist into a bundle.
172. Doug prefers expensive Trojan silver fish, segmented to twist and swivel realistically.
173. It was so immense it did not twist like the others but in supreme majesty made its way down the turbulent chute.
174. By a simple trick of the intelligence, a deft little twist of naming, he felt incomparably lighter and freer.
175. The latest twist in a deteriorating relationship between police and loyalist activists was contained in a statement issued to Sunday Life yesterday.
176. In a bizarre twist, the continuing rise in fuel taxes could force the petrol companies themselves to hike prices further.
177. The wry twist of amusement around his lips finally proved impossible to resist.
178. His somnolent reaction was to twist half around-exposing his left ankle and leg.
179. Now put a twist in the tale, an alliance between the courted pair.
180. Twist each sheet slightly to make it look like a petal.
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