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Fist in a sentence

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Sentence count:165+13 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: clenched fistSimilar words: fiscalfishermanfishinglistwristtwistwaisttouristMeaning: [fɪst]  n. a hand with the fingers clenched in the palm (as for hitting). 
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1. He banged his fist loudly on the table.
2. Ann hit the sandbag with her fist.
3. She held the money tightly in her fist.
4. He struck me with his fist.
5. He banged his fist on the window.
6. She held up a clenched fist in defiance.
7. He struck the hooligan down with his fist.
8. He hammered at the door with his fist.
9. He whammed his fist against the desk.
10. He wiped me with his fist.
11. He was banging on the door with his fist.
12. My fist glanced off his jaw.
13. Sarah made a menacing gesture with her fist.
14. Jan slammed her fist on the desk in anger.
14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
15. He raised his right fist and declaimed: 'Liar and cheat!'.
16. The table shook when she banged her fist on it.
17. The old man clenched his fist and waved it angrily at us.
18. His fist struck home.
19. The prisoner raised his fist in a gesture of defiance as he was led out of the courtroom.
20. He would pun you into shivers with his fist.
21. His fist cleft the air.
22. He banged a heavy fist on the table.
23. She thumped the table with her fist.
24. He punched me with his fist.
25. Mahoney clenched his fist in exasperation.
26. He smashed his fist into Anthony's face.
27. He is a fool that makes a wedge of his fist
28. If you have no hand(, you cannot make a fist
29. He was so angry that he thumped the table with his fist.
30. The baby took my finger in its tenacious little fist.
More similar words: fiscalfishermanfishinglistwristtwistwaisttouristresistassisthistorypersistinsistlistensubsistpistoldisturbministrydistanttherapistdistincthistoricconsistfeministlistenerartisticdistractenlistedchemistrylisten to
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