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Twist in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+10Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: altercamouflagechangecirclecolorcurvedisguisedistortfalsifygyratemisrepresentpivotrotateswivelturnwheelwindSimilar words: twinJewishwish forlikewisemeet withthink twiceconflict withlistMeaning: [twɪst]  n. 1. an unforeseen development 2. an interpretation of a text or action 3. any clever maneuver 4. the act of rotating rapidly 5. a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments 6. a sharp bend in a line produced when a line having a loop is pulled tight 7. a circular segment of a curve 8. a miniature whirlpool or whirlwind resulting when the current of a fluid doubles back on itself 9. a jerky pulling movement 10. a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair 11. social dancing in which couples vigorously twist their hips and arms in time to the music; was popular in the 1960s 12. the act of winding or twisting 13. turning or twisting around (in place). v. 1. to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling) 2. cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form 3. turn in the opposite direction 4. form into a spiral shape 5. form into twists 6. extend in curves and turns 7. do the twist 8. twist or pull violently or suddenly, especially so as to remove (something) from that to which it is attached or from where it originates 9. practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive 10. twist suddenly so as to sprain. 
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121. The head gave a sudden twist and Jack fired two more bullets into it.
122. I know the Story of her Life - each ironic twist.
123. Cream overflowed the edges of the shallow dish, another little twist of frightening confusion.
124. Twist the wire round the foot so that it sits tightly, forming a protective coil around the tubular feet.
124. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
125. Sitting with legs apart, stretch up, then twist at the waist and lower the hands and body towards one leg.
126. It may help to twist drain rods when pushing them down the drain.
127. By an unfortunate twist of fate, Sunderland were to experience the full might of the cousins playing in the same team.
128. Ben Elissar shared the landmark diplomatic twist with dinner guests last Friday.
129. The tragedy is that you have to twist the knife in your own gray matter to make this defense work.
130. The latest twist is provided by the identification of an alternative candidate gene.
131. But anyone seeking a fresh characterization or clever plot twist ought not to buy a ride on this Murphy vehicle.
132. In a tragic twist of irony, Goldberg was taken seriously.
133. In an ironically tender twist(, the boorish facade turns out to conceal the soul of an artist.
134. Don't I ever surprise you, and twist a knife in your heart?
135. In the United States, the emergence of bureaucratic government was given a particular twist by its turn-of-the-century setting.
136. By a lucky twist of fate , we were on the same plane.
137. He says the talking drivers twist their necks as they talk and so lose sight of their road horizon.
138. Waterworth, a pallet maker of Twist Avenue, Golbourne, near Wigan, has pleaded not guilty to manslaughter.
139. She takes her hair down from a twist to pose.
140. If a punting pole gets stuck in the mud the best thing is to twist it.
141. By a strange twist of fate the judge died on the very day that Cordell was executed.
142. It is the final twist in the story of this chapter.
143. Despite her desolation, Nora Simpson was not the sort of woman to be beaten by a twist of fate.
144. Summons twist: A county councillor facing assault charges is taking out a private summons against the man he allegedly assaulted.
145. The end twist clicks into place in a satisfying, if slightly predictable, way.
146. The denial of the Holocaust is the latest twist in this tale of conspiracy and deception.
147. But now comes the final twist to the story: the crucial change of emphasis.
148. Stand with feet firmly on the ground, twist body from left to right.
149. How many times can the shoe companies twist the arms of their stars to keep them coming to the Olympics?
150. Write very clearly so that no one can twist your meaning.
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