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Transformation in a sentence

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Sentence count:193+8 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: shifttranslationtransmutationSimilar words: transformformationinformationtranslationtransportationtransitiontransactiontransferMeaning: [‚trænsfə(r)'meɪʃn]  n. 1. a qualitative change 2. (mathematics) a function that changes the position or direction of the axes of a coordinate system 3. a rule describing the conversion of one syntactic structure into another related syntactic structure 4. (genetics) modification of a cell or bacterium by the uptake and incorporation of exogenous DNA 5. the act of changing in form or shape or appearance. 
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1) There was a noticeable transformation in his appearance.
2) The way we work has undergone a radical transformation in the past decade.
3) A startling cultural transformation occurred in post - war Britain.
4) This decision marked a fundamental transformation in policy.
5) The transformation has been nothing short of a miracle.
6) The transformation of American sea power began in 1940.
7) What a transformation! You look great.
8) He was struggling to make the transformation from single man to responsible husband.
9) Going to college brought about a dramatic transformation in her outlook.
10) Some children undergo a complete transformation when they become teenagers.
11) Local people have mixed feelings about the planned transformation of their town into a regional capital.
12) Norah made plans for the transformation of an attic room into a study.
13) But the breadth of the economic transformation can't be measured by numbers alone.
14) We observe that the first calls for radical transformation did not begin until the period of the industrial revolution.
15) The transformation from disused docks into city-centre cultural venue took three years.
16) What leads to the transformation of one economic system to another?
17) His character seems to have undergone a complete transformation since his marriage.
18) Like E. coli it undergoes transduction[],[] transformation and conjugation.
19) It was a dramatic transformation, from society hostess to Democratic Party power broker.
20) It also is jeopardizing the transformation of this ramshackle beach hangout into a sparkling upscale resort.
21) This seems a very fair deal, for the transformation is pretty dramatic.
22) Europe, with Germany literally and figuratively at its centre, is still at the start of a remarkable transformation.
23) In recent years, the movie industry has undergone a dramatic transformation.
24) I'd never seen Carlo in smart evening clothes before - it was quite a transformation.
25) In the last five years he's undergone a personal transformation.
26) The way in which we work has undergone a complete transformation in the past decade.
27) Britain in mid-1979 was unlikely to lurch into any drastic transformation, let alone a dictatorship.
28) They are the values which will help us complete the transformation of Britain, under a Government competent, decent and strong.
29) As he spoke, his language grew rougher and rougher, as if a Jekyll and Hyde transformation were taking effect.
30) Since those heady days the bar and its clientele have undergone a transformation.
More similar words: transformformationinformationtranslationtransportationtransitiontransactiontransfertransmissionsummationformatfrustrationconcentrationdemonstrationadministrationtransittransmittransporttransienttranslateactive transportnationtraditionattractiontraditionaldonationzonationrelationnationaleducation
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