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Abreast in a sentence

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Sentence count:132+12 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: alongsidebesideside by sideSimilar words: breastbreakfastmacabrebreakbreadeastbreathleastMeaning: [ə'brest]  adj. being up to particular standard or level especially in being up to date in knowledge. adv. alongside each other, facing on the same direction. 
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1. His car was abreast of the leading car.
2. We were running/cycling two abreast.
3. Young people always keep abreast of the times.
4. It's important to keep abreast of the latest developments in computers.
4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. Five cars stood abreast.
6. The boat came abreast of us and signalled us to stop.
7. We must renovate our social life to keep abreast of the times.
8. Brooks was abreast with the leading runner for a few minutes but then fell behind.
9. Brooks was abreast of the leading runner for a few minutes but then fell behind.
10. Read the papers if you want to keep abreast of time.
11. They lined up six abreast.
12. We must be abreast of what is going on.
13. The planes were flying four abreast.
14. This passage admits two abreast.
15. He will be keeping abreast of the news.
16. We should fall abreast with the others.
17. I try to keep abreast of any developments.
18. Even this arrangement did not keep wages abreast of the rising living cost.
19. China has to develop her economy to remain abreast of other countries.
20. The motorcyclist came abreast of her car and shouted abuse at her.
21. As the car drew abreast of him, Jack suddenly recognised the driver.
22. It is almost impossible to keep abreast of all the latest developments in computing.
23. She kept abreast with the flood of communications that had poured in.
24. I have to walk more quickly to keep abreast of him.
25. As he drew abreast of the man he pretended to stumble.
26. The path was so narrow that it hardly admitted of two persons walking abreast.
27. The steep pavement was too narrow for them to walk abreast.
28. My main reason for subscribing to New Scientist is to keep abreast of advances in science.
29. As they reached the start-finish line Prost jinked right and drew abreast.
30. The harbour was crowded, with boats berthed two and three abreast.
More similar words: breastbreakfastmacabrebreakbreadeastbreathleastbeastoutbreakbreadthbreak upbreak inbreak offbreak outbreakdownbreak downbreak awaynortheastat leastsoutheasteasternbreathingbreak intoreasonwhereasout of breathincreasetreasonin the least
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