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Theoretical in a sentence

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Sentence count:299+8Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: empiricalSimilar words: theologicalcriticalverticalidenticalpoliticalpracticalpracticallypoliticallyMeaning: [θɪəˈretɪk(ə)l]  adj. 1. concerned primarily with theories or hypotheses rather than practical considerations 2. concerned with theories rather than their practical applications. 
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181. Doctors must report any sudden deaths they think may have even a theoretical link to a drug.
182. Shortly, we shall examine the theoretical debates within this school.
183. The assumptions of each theoretical position form the core around which each theory is constructed.
184. There are theoretical models which suggest that effective markets depend on legal and institutional factors as well as the operation of the price mechanism.
185. I shall discuss later the theoretical objections to technological determinism.
186. Governments, like theoretical economists, tend to be mainly concerned with the short run.
187. Theoretical arguments also indicate that multicellular neural systems can enter domains of chaotic behavior.
188. More generally, theoretical conclusions on the dynamics of agencies and governments in crisis situations, will be considered.
189. Few articles can have made such a great and immediate impact on both the theoretical and practical planes.
190. Either way, the prejudiced persons are attempting to justify their position by adopting either a theoretical or empirical perspective.
191. Through his technical economic theories Hayek gradually began to draw more general theoretical conclusions.
192. It is also the case that the elegant theories created by theoretical linguists need not necessarily evolve into computationally effective techniques.
193. Humanist psychology's caution about change can add to egalitarian feminist psychology's existing theoretical timidity.
194. Theoretical reasoning is a dead letter to the child unless it is closely anchored to practical issues.
195. Academic, or theoretical, discourse is not privileged but is instead a form of accounting which uses abstraction to illuminate.
196. However, the explanation of such differences varies greatly between theoretical traditions.
197. We am concerned with the theoretical and practical motivations behind the development of the lexical access component used here.
198. But as a theoretical basis for the protection of these rights and freedoms, such ideas are woefully inadequate.
199. When the theoretical assumptions themselves are examined the case is even less convincing.
200. The general theoretical discussion on concepts and definitions is therefore - perhaps surprisingly - put at the end.
201. There are numerous cross-references in the book where apparently different problems reduce to the same theoretical form.
202. It is important to see that the physical world is a mental, theoretical construct.
203. The justification for the interpretation is theoretical analysis of the forced spherical pendulum.
204. The actual animals that have ever lived on Earth are a tiny subset of the theoretical animals that could exist.
205. This option largely failed to make headway for many of the basic theoretical reasons that were outlined in Chapter 2.
206. They are being tackled head-on both in the popular press and Communist Party theoretical journals.
207. From a purely theoretical point of view, there is some logic to this.
208. The existing major general classification schemes observe few of the theoretical bases for sound classification.
209. Cureton has provided a theoretical account of our intuitions about rhythm.
210. To say that the physical world is a theoretical construct is not to say that it does not really exist.
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