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Terrestrial in a sentence

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Sentence count:194+2Posted:2017-03-20Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: celestialSimilar words: extraterrestrialtrial and errorindustrialequestrianpedestrianrestrictindustrializerestrictionMeaning: [tɪ'restrɪəl]  adj. 1. of or relating to or inhabiting the land as opposed to the sea or air 2. of or relating to or characteristic of the planet Earth or its inhabitants 3. operating or living or growing on land 4. concerned with the world or worldly matters 5. of this earth. 
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31. In general, lunar rocks differ from terrestrial rocks in that the Moon contains much lower concentrations of easily vaporized elements.
32. Impacts on Earth differ from those on Mars in that terrestrial impacts have a high likelihood of encountering an ocean.
33. Outline the arguments for and against the late heavy bombardment of a terrestrial planet occurring after its formation. 6.
34. The incorporation of the gorilla male into a more-or-less permanent party is probably associated with certain benefits in relation to the terrestrial feeding niche.
35. Terrestrial amphibians respire through their skin and to do this must keep it moist with mucus.
36. Thus the four terrestrial planets are all affected in important but very different ways by comet and asteroid impacts.
37. The balance of evidence seems to be swinging away from the original idea of swamp-dwelling giant dinosaurs to fully terrestrial habits.
38. Emptiness and fullness follow one another in succession, moving from above to below, from the heavenly to the terrestrial.
39. Rain forests are home to numerous species, terrestrial and epiphytes.
40. This astonishing discovery of polar ice on Mercury makes it clear that impacts play a major role on all the terrestrial planets.
41. Information from the planetary probes indicates that all the terrestrial planets have undergone differentiation, but they have followed different evolutionary paths.
42. Through all these means small bodies can bring to the terrestrial planets volatiles in sufficient abundance to match the observations.
43. Under these conditions are found all the species preferring the terrestrial way of life.
44. This isolation, like the isolation in terrestrial evolution, breeds variety and marked differences.
45. A statistical analysis based on this data suggests that well over half the stars are being orbited by rocky terrestrial material.
46. All kitted out for terrestrial habitation and raring to go?
47. First, Copernicus eliminated the discontinuity between the terrestrial world and the rest of the physical universe.
48. Study on terrestrial eco - system carbon cycle, etc.
49. digital terrestrial and digital satellite broadcasting.
50. Terrestrial digital sound decoder for conventional intercarrier PLL-IF systems.
51. Polypodiaceae A family of terrestrial or epiphytic leptosporangiate ferns.
52. Aquatic food chains are different from terrestrial ones.
53. The riparian zone is a functional transition region, the last protection barrier of lakes, which is connected the lake aquatic ecosystem and the terrestrial ecosystem.
54. There are scores of terrestrial TV channels and many multichannel cable TV operators.
55. If such planets exist(, these missions—NASA's Terrestrial Planet Finder and ESA's Darwin—should be able to scan their atmospheres for the presence of gases that would indicate the existence of life.
56. During the last glacial period the sea level was low and the terrestrial matters transported into the southern SCS increased and the ecologic environment in the studied sea area deteriorated.
57. The cultivation of this species is not difficult, and is similar to other commonly cultivated terrestrial Utricularia.
58. Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks So called because of the tiger-like stripes on juveniles, the tiger shark is, like its terrestrial namesake, a voracious hunter.
59. Gary Packard of Colorado State University and his colleagues do not deny that creatures like Apatosaurus, Brachiosaurus and Diplodocus were big—and bigger than any terrestrial mammal.
60. Coal measures in Xiaonan coalmine belong to Jurassic terrestrial deposit.
More similar words: extraterrestrialtrial and errorindustrialequestrianpedestrianrestrictindustrializerestrictionrestrictiveindustrialisationindustrializationindustrial revolutionindustrial capitalismnominal interest ratetrialdeterrentaustriaarrestdeterrenceaustrianarrestedtrial balancematerialhouse arrestmaterializematerialismrestrainrestraintmaterialisticantibacterial
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