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Sassy in a sentence

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Sentence count:33Posted:2016-08-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: disastermasspassclassassetpass outvassalpass onMeaning: adj. improperly forward or bold. 
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1. Are you that sassy with your parents, young lady?
2. Salt and Peppa are two streetwise and sassy girls from Queens.
3. a sassy little hat.
4. Domestic U. S. steel got fat and sassy.
5. Her public image is that of a sassy mystic, but she has the showbiz mastery of a Gloria Swanson.
6. Becky was a sassy, rambunctious New York girl he'd met when visiting his aunt.
7. If one of the kids is being sassy, Inez gives them a piece of her mind.
8. His Farrow is smart, sassy and sexy[], a woman who has learned how to turn her disability into an asset.
9. She looked sassy, she thought, as she swung her long jet hair, careful not to dislodge the jasmine.
10. The part is played by the sassy and earthy Juliet Stevenson.
11. Unfortunately, the issues-oriented attitude that brought Sassy to the forefront also became its downfall.
12. She was sassy and smart, and all the kids liked her.
13. Has a border collie dog named Sassy.
14. Kelis retains this sassy forthright attitude throughout the album.
15. Well. now you know how sassy my girlfriend is?
16. A sweet,[Sentencedict] sassy sauce: Savor the flavor.
17. In the new record she sounds sexy , sassy and very much in control.
18. The sassy Russian star's poster the hottest at the season's first clay court tournament.
19. Maybe, sassy is a little foible of Jun-Ji-Hyun, but beauty spreaded from her pureness and sassy, is the best army to hit all men's biggest foible.
20. Think 15 bucks for those sassy red heels is a great bargain?
21. Deion on how you can turn those holiday leftovers into a sassy casserole.
22. What Ida Rebecca saw was a frail little creature with her hair cut in the sassy new pageboy bob.
23. The three journalists who interviewed Putin for this book were pleasingly sassy on occasion.
24. Rachel shouts. You got quite a load there too. She is very sassy.
25. Still, there's something to like about this squad thanks to sassy young attackers like Giovani Dos Santos, Carlos Vela and new Manchester United signee Javier Hernandez.
26. A titillating, neurotic, peroxide, punk of a pale ale. A compulsive malty body with a sassy passion fruit hop proves too much to resist.
27. Or I'll take my fist and ram it down your sassy throat!
28. While impishly dissenting in tone, he was up-beat in spirit: hopeful, sassy, inspirational almost to the point of euphoria.
29. You should have seen her when she was young and sassy.
30. Dark reds and purples are bold colors that make me feel strong and sassy.
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