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Officially in a sentence

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Sentence count:287+17Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: formallySimilar words: officialartificialofficiousefficientefficiencysufficientjudicialsociallyMeaning: [əˈfɪʃəlɪ]  adv. 1. in an official role 2. with official authorization. 
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181. The move by Dillons will not be officially announced until next week.
182. This means that they were officially known to be the only copies in any library in Britain and possibly in the world.
183. Although we were officially the London helpline, we got calls from all over Britain and from all over the world.
184. At least after her pregnancy was officially announced on November 5, 1981 Diana could publicly discuss her condition.
185. All clubs received a letter warning them against organising practice or trial matches before the season officially starts on 1st September.
186. Progress both in environmental conservation and technology were officially deemed inadequate, even though 12,[]000 million roubles were spent on the former.
187. Yet officially we are demographically insignificant, neither fish nor fowl.
188. Officially he had malaria, but his battle with Aids was well known.
189. Couldn't they have waited just another couple of weeks until he had officially retired at the end of the month?
190. Read in studio A couple who bought a flat which didn't officially exist are still fighting for compensation four years later.
191. BGovernment officials say it is unlikely that anything will stop the project from being officially approved as early as January.
192. Although they set up housekeeping a couple of years ago, Dave officially proposed last Christmas Eve.
193. The level of marks required for entrance to secondary school is a very closely guarded secret and seldom officially revealed.
194. The Wimbledon midfield player officially lodged an appeal with the Football Association against his £20,000 fine and six-month suspended ban.
195. They should not be officially released until they are in their final form.
196. So far, although Pottz was now officially numero uno[], he still hadn't actually won in Hawaii.
197. Clinton and Vice President Al Gore have yet to officially announce their candidacy.
198. Clinton, who will officially address the governors Tuesday, said he hoped to reach bipartisan consensus, particularly on Medicaid.
199. The definition of a second has since officially been the time it takes a cesium atom to make 9,192,631,770 vibrations.
200. More than one Washingtonian out of every four officially lives in poverty.
201. It was officially said that he had intimidated his helot jailer into giving him the knife, and had so mangled himself.
202. Once a child has written a bit of text, we can officially declare him an author.
203. Although the national turnout was officially given as 60 percent, the elections were marked by a high rate of regional abstention.
204. It commemorated two arrests in 1961, in Jefferson Parish, for what were officially described as crimes against nature.
205. A few concerts were organised in connection with national holidays - for example on railworkers day or at officially sanctioned Youth parties.
206. Slavery was officially recognized as an institution in colonial laws by the 1660s.
207. Load management, as this remote switching is called officially, is already practised by industrial consumers.
208. Officially you are all going to be victims of a surprise attack on the rescue party by the native inhabitants.
209. The comedian was not officially notified until about an hour later.
210. Carroll did not choose to keep a low profile but spoke up on many issues, often against the officially established religion.
More similar words: officialartificialofficiousefficientefficiencysufficientjudicialsociallyespeciallyofficeofficerefficacydifficulthead officedeficitmusiciansocialracialphysicianspecialcrucialpoliticiantechnicianspecialtyfinancialcommercialspecialistspecializepartiallyinitially
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