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Felicitous in a sentence

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Sentence count:32+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: happySimilar words: infelicitoussolicitousduplicitousfelicityfelicitationelicitelicitationdeliciousMeaning: [fɪ'lɪsɪtəs]  adj. 1. exhibiting an agreeably appropriate manner or style 2. marked by good fortune. 
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1. Her choice of music is felicitous.
2. Nationalization is a word which is neither very felicitous nor free from ambiguity.
3. Her prose style is not always felicitous; she tends to repetition.
4. A felicitous footnote to that incident is that he got his cake after all.
5. Overnight, it seems, my felicitous situation ended just as quickly.
6. Victory is both a felicitous dip of the head and a glorious obeisance towards the changed life that will surely follow it.
7. Studying you, I note your limpid gaze, felicitous expression your dazzling waist.
8. On reflection the chess metaphor is not a felicitous one.
9. This wide disposition yielded felicitous effects of colour and tone which always fell pleasingly on the ear.
10. Fingers of energy, disguised - a felicitous whim - as strands of your golden hair.
11. He opened our proceedings in a felicitous speech.
12. His work is rather fluent and felicitous.
13. a felicitous turn of phrase.
14. Do this in order to have a felicitous life.
15. The intensity is determined by a felicitous arrangement of the atomic energy levels.
16. Hence,( the issue of hybridity is felicitous rationale for the elaboration of Kureishi's works.
17. In the felicitous phrase of New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen, WikiLeaks is "a stateless news organisation".
18. Finally, he designs questionnaire And then abstracts felicitous non - financial indices by utilizing SPSS and statistical analysis.
19. Except for the felicitous pretense of deafness I had not tried to pretend anything.
20. When he is felicitous, he hears there's enormous roaring from the deep cliff.
21. A felicitous rhetoric mirage of advertisement language can enhance the salesmanship effect.
22. He summed up Jack's achievements in one or two felicitous phrases.
23. This line of reasoning is intended to provide a means for felicitous plural and singular pronominal reference under appropriate circumstances.
24. Not a term I would use myself,( since I do not find it particularly felicitous.
25. Almost before he was aware of it, his tongue had found a felicitous moment.
26. He looked clever and ill - a combination by no means felicitous.
27. His much - praised'Harvard Commemoration Ode'is too graceful, too felicitous through too many lines.
28. You need to handle the delicate matter in a most felicitous manner.
29. The three were eating breakfast on the terrace and one felicitous birds in the garden trees.
30. Thankfully, Messrs Grossman and Rossi - Hansberg have a more felicitous phrase: " trade in tasks ".
More similar words: infelicitoussolicitousduplicitousfelicityfelicitationelicitelicitationdeliciousillicitsolicitexplicitimplicitpublicityduplicitycomplicitysolicitudefortuitousgratuitouscircuitousubiquitousiniquitousfortuitouslymaliciousfelinestick it outdeficitreliclubricityelectricityderelict
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