Synonym: mean, pitiful, poor, shabby, sorry, unhappy, woeful, wretched. Antonym: happy. Similar words: vulnerable, preferable, considerable, adorable, bearable, comparable, favorable, considerably. Meaning: ['mɪzərəbl]
adj. 1. very unhappy; full of misery 2. deserving or inciting pity 3. of the most contemptible kind 4. of very poor quality or condition 5. characterized by physical misery 6. contemptibly small in amount.

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211. The workers lived a miserable existence and were treated like serfs.
212. Our lives are hard, but theirs are miserable. I would never change places.
213. Her life has been quite as miserable as your Isabel's, I fear.
214. The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. George Bernard Shaw 

215. I wondered if there was another child in all those windows or all the world who felt as miserable as I did.
216. We must not fall into the victim mentality and moan about what a miserable century this is.
217. The journey home was miserable. Everyone was depressed about losing the game.
218. The walk to the town centre is long enough to invigorate me and short enough to avoid getting miserable from the cold.
219. While the Saints built their first temple, neighbors made life miserable and the Mormons neared bankruptcy.
220. Edna did not do these things to make us miserable.
221. She was even more miserable later because almost as soon as she arrived in her room she started to have toothache.
222. Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. Wayne Dyer 

223. The handful of traders who made life miserable for graduates of Harvard completely dominated a third of the bond market.
224. Pam is about as miserable a person as anyone trotting around London can be.
225. Coffin went away to his own home, feeling miserable and puzzled.
226. Oliver had never seen a dirtier or more miserable place.
227. Let's face it: our lives are miserable, laborious, and short. George Orwell 

228. The rain fell in tiny, miserable droplets that were blown about by the wind.
229. The mortals seemed miserable and the children cruel and now there was nothing left of the spectacle.
230. Just heat up that miserable tent with the sun and bake me out.
231. Though infected lions can meet a miserable death, Packer reports that 60 percent of those with distemper have survived.
232. I felt miserable and realised the hair of my dreams had turned into the worst bad hair day you could imagine.
233. I wish this city would do something about the miserable condition of the roads.
234. It could be a fit of laughter, Blue reasons, but then why would Black be so miserable?
235. January, when most results are announced,( ) will be more miserable than ever-particularly if consumer sentiment continues to deteriorate.
236. His anger at her taking his carrion was gone and instead focused on the miserable hooded crows.
237. Many people feel so pressured by the expectations of others that it causes them to be frustrated, miserable and confused about what they should do. But there is a way to live a simple, joy-filled, peaceful life, and the key is learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit, not the traditions or expectations of man. Joyce Meyer 

238. Jen has been stuck in a miserable job for the last two years.
239. For all I know, they lied and cheated and made their women miserable.
240. Whereas, even if nothing goes wrong at the weekend, Mr Smith will have made himself miserable for days in advance.
More similar words: vulnerable, preferable, considerable, adorable, bearable, comparable, favorable, considerably, unfavorable, premise, promise, adviser, compromise, eraser, able, cable, table, permissible, notable, usable, enable, unable, gabled, tableau, be able to, affable, capable, vegetable, reliable, disabled.