Synonym: mean, pitiful, poor, shabby, sorry, unhappy, woeful, wretched. Antonym: happy. Similar words: vulnerable, preferable, considerable, adorable, bearable, comparable, favorable, considerably. Meaning: ['mɪzərəbl]
adj. 1. very unhappy; full of misery 2. deserving or inciting pity 3. of the most contemptible kind 4. of very poor quality or condition 5. characterized by physical misery 6. contemptibly small in amount.

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181. She appropriated slapstick and hyperbole to the delicious purpose of lampooning the fathead who made her life miserable.
182. But before I clap eyes on his miserable face, I intend to down as many cups of sack as I can!
183. He looked miserable, as if his jeans were too tight for comfort and his jacket too thin for warmth.
184. The Siege of Chattanooga had at least one very unusual aspect: Many of the besiegers were as miserable as the besieged.
185. The funeral of an old high-school classmate just makes him more miserable.
186. For some, the floods meant a miserable day stuck indoors.
187. It is a sorry thing when an eagle can not even ward off two miserable hooded crows.
188. However, she admitted that she had felt very miserable for 3 or 4 months.
189. Meanwhile Labour has voted for one miserable saving - doubling pensioners' concessionary fares.
190. What could they do, except be made miserable by impotence?
191. Corbett then spent what must have been one of the most miserable nights he had ever experienced.
192. Inexorably, it pulls you into the folds of a miserable life of degradation, poverty, and humiliation.
193. Could her refusal be part of a prolonged grief reaction to her sister's death and to her miserable marriage?
194. The workers in Mirny are not well-off by any means; in fact, they lead miserable lives.
195. She should have known better than to think he would bring it to her, miserable sinner that she was.
196. I never thought I was soon to see just how miserable the peoples of the earth can make life for themselves.
197. You shouldn't be surprised to hear that you've made people miserable.
198. Claudino, on the other hand is a miserable, conniving person who continually exerts his poor influence on Leonardo.
199. And full-back Robert Turner had a miserable day with his kicking, landing only two goals from seven shots.
200. You can be smart and happy or stupid and miserable. . . it's your choice. Gordon B. Hinckley 

201. She fully intended to give Matthew Blake the most miserable afternoon of company he had ever had!
202. Today, I will look around & enjoy all the beautiful things that are around me rather than yearn for things that are beyond my control & become miserable. RVM 

203. Can't you see how miserable he is, how difficult all this is for him?
204. His life was changed and made miserable by a computer database he did not even know existed.
205. There comes a point when you either embrace who and what you are,( or condemn yourself to be miserable all your days. Other people will try to make you miserable; don't help them by doing the job yourself. Laurell K. Hamilton 

206. The same crew of sorry drunks, getting riotous, getting miserable, getting maudlin.
207. Bathsheba was watching his expression closely, and she had never been more miserable.
208. The mind that is anxious about the future is miserable. Seneca 

209. But at the same time I revelled in the unlovely sound because it might be the saving of my miserable life.
210. She lived in miserable anticipation of the day when Camille fell in love with some nightmare youth.
More similar words: vulnerable, preferable, considerable, adorable, bearable, comparable, favorable, considerably, unfavorable, premise, promise, adviser, compromise, eraser, able, cable, table, permissible, notable, usable, enable, unable, gabled, tableau, be able to, affable, capable, vegetable, reliable, disabled.