Antonym: chemical. Similar words: mechanic, mechanism, technical, clinical, ironically, technological, panic, organic. Meaning: [mɪ'kænɪkl] adj. 1. using (or as if using) mechanisms or tools or devices 2. relating to or concerned with machinery or tools 3. relating to or governed by or in accordance with mechanics.
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61. For a long time, three main theories dominated discussion of the tragedy: bomb, missile or mechanical failure.
62. Despite the invention of the mechanical clock, for most people time remained uneven in quality.
63. Insurers, financial institutions, regulatory agencies, libraries, museums and dealers in mechanical parts in a range of spheres.
64. Until the combine appeared, the self-binder had been the mechanical marvel of the farm machinery industry for forty years.
65. Of course anything as scientific as a mechanical test has not always found favour with traditional craftsmen or indeed with business men.
66. Much of the beauty of a good machine is in its mechanical design, as well as in its fuel efficiency.
67. The optical paths are evacuated and the suspension systems are insulated against mechanical vibration by shock absorbers.
68. Also note that the gyro gain control is similarly limited by the mechanical linkage and this too can only reduce the response.
69. The position of the surgical instrument in the real skull is determined by the sensors in the mechanical arm.
70. But Woosnam has fewer mechanical breakdowns than Peter because his brain is better able to instruct his body what to do.
71. In this the mechanical signals were interlocked with electrical block instruments in the signal cabins.
72. They are also capable of making high quality picture transfers because of their advanced circuitry and mechanical design.
73. Like any mechanical or electrical equipment,( lifts are not eternal.
74. But it is worse it's also a history of mechanical idealism excusing criminal stupidity.
75. In all stores adequate ventilation should be provided as an aid to temperature control with mechanical air conditioning if needed.
76. People who write poison warnings or mechanical instructions are addressing citizens in every state at once.
77. They speak courteously, but in a strangely mechanical way, with a flat intonation.
78. Due to mechanical failure the remaining six races had to be abandoned.
79. It would seem that the date of the invention of the mechanical clock is probably some time between 1280 and 1300.
80. Examples of technical failures of mechanical means of soil conservation have already been given in Chapter 5.
81. But like a single gear in a mechanical clock, timeless can not keep good time all by itself.
82. He liked making and mending, had a marked instinct for understanding things mechanical.
83. Mechanical expertise and mechanical and electrical components, including bogies, will come from Adtranz.
84. It is quite another to attribute a sense of mechanical consciousness to ancient pre-industrial civilization.
85. Such punitive gestures fulfilled the important function of maintaining mechanical solidarity at the requisite pitch.
86. The first mechanical clocks were large and unwieldy,( and there was soon a desire for smaller and more portable mechanisms.
87. The mechanical card system does not require wiring, batteries or computer hook-ups.
88. But we are too addicted in our social comment to this kind of mechanical economic determinism.
89. The ambience was mechanical, the chips like cardboard and the bread poor.
90. In mechanical terms, the head is an elliptical spheroid with a single universal joint, the neck.
More similar words: mechanic, mechanism, technical, clinical, ironically, technological, panic, organic, Hispanic, technician, take charge, change, chance, channel, exchange, by chance, merchant, communicate, changeable, incommunicado, take a chance, communication, radical, typical, logical, musical, medical, ethical, unchangeable, in exchange for.