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Mechanical in a sentence

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Sentence count:281+11Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: chemicalSimilar words: mechanicmechanismtechnicalclinicalironicallytechnologicalpanicorganicMeaning: [mɪ'kænɪkl]  adj. 1. using (or as if using) mechanisms or tools or devices 2. relating to or concerned with machinery or tools 3. relating to or governed by or in accordance with mechanics. 
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91. The Group invested £1.5 million in the United Arab Emirates to establish two high quality mechanical engineering workshops.
92. If kept under control by regular mechanical cleaning of excess algae, they are often a positive addition to the tank.
93. Once the acidity is right, huge, mechanical, stainless steel forks are switched on to cut the curd into large chunks.
94. Nothing, save an accident or mechanical failure could keep him from winning.
95. This labour force was dispersed by the war with a consequent requirement for increased mechanical handling.
96. Government intention does not transform itself into public enterprise action in a mechanical and straight forward way.
97. The mechanical following of rules would leave little scope for discretion to be exercised.
98. Robodoc, a mechanical arm with a drill on the end, helped surgeons carry out a complicated hip replacement.
99. This is the pattern of the squid and octopus eye as well as of the artificial mechanical one built by man, the camera.
100. Over many years Meccano became widely used by designers to demonstrate ideas useful in mechanical research.
101. Surprisingly, to imaginative educators, both the verbal and the mechanical boys have less trouble in all-male institutions.
102. If it proves to be a mechanical failure, additional safety measures may be required.
103. Their goal is to recycle all air,( water and solid wastes using mechanical and chemical processes as well as plants.
104. I could feel strong mechanical tremors vibrating in many directions within my white-knuckled grasp.
105. Are men more mechanical than women? 67% of all men responding to our poll answered in the affirmative.
106. Pike's head quite often pulses backwards and forwards like a mechanical toy.
107. The goods range from natural oils to refrigerated trucks and heavy equipment such as graders and mechanical shovels.
108. Examples of such a system would be a guided missile or a thermostat or a mechanical governor.
109. It was no goddam accident, no goddam mechanical failure, some one deliberately unhitched that car.
110. Mechanical power still held sway, power transmitted through gears and belts, power that clacked and whirred, hammered and hissed.
111. Mechanical woodpulp is acidic and is used for the cheapest types of paper like newsprint or certain types of cartridge paper.
112. The two-phase therapy was designed to restore respiratory muscles so breathing could be accomplished without mechanical assistance.
113. The operator of the mechanical digger who unearthed both was not sure.
114. The other significant sector is Mechanical engineering, with Grampian exports amounting to 17% of the national figure.
115. It is a thumb-wind, hand-crafted mechanical watch and is the perfect accessory for stylish summer evenings.
115. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
116. For the ill effects of bruises and other mechanical trauma, after Arnica.
117. It is not machines we are creating but a mechanical environment permeated with our sense of learning.
118. Simple mechanical devices were placed in the test room to maintain an accurate record of output.
119. If carried out with sensitivity rather than in a stiff and mechanical way, aromatherapy massage is a potent form of hands-on healing.
120. Although there have been mechanical breakdowns, they have merely affected the vehicles carrying the material.
More similar words: mechanicmechanismtechnicalclinicalironicallytechnologicalpanicorganicHispanictechniciantake chargechangechancechannelexchangeby chancemerchantcommunicatechangeableincommunicadotake a chancecommunicationradicaltypicallogicalmusicalmedicalethicalunchangeablein exchange for
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