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Manipulate in a sentence

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Sentence count:167+4Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: conductfeelhandlemanagemaneuveroperatetouchworkSimilar words: populationregulateinsulatedcalculatestimulatespeculatearticulatepopularityMeaning: [mə'nɪpjəleɪt /-jʊl-]  v. 1. influence or control shrewdly or deviously 2. hold something in one's hands and move it 3. fake or falsify 4. manipulate in a fraudulent manner 5. control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage 6. treat manually, as with massage, for therapeutic purposed. 
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61. Occasionally the inmate may manipulate the system, and the choice allows that.
62. With the infusion of resources into cancer research came an explosion in our ability to understand and manipulate the cancer cell.
63. The child may gravitate to the parent that is easier to manipulate or try to play one parent off against the other.
64. Such a program provided Personnel Management with the ability to manipulate data already stored in the payroll system.
65. Like our own hands, those of most primates allow them to manipulate objects with a high degree of precision.
66. She saw no attempt at deception,[] no trace of an attempt to manipulate.
67. The speeches were really like a competition to see, who could manipulate and how they used their power.
68. As a cynical attempt to manipulate the electorate and the media, it was unsurpassed.
69. The completely technocratic and amoral society emerges, able to manipulate anything but appreciate nothing; a desert of the mind.
70. All political regimes attempt to manipulate information as a means of social control.
71. Apparently some special attributes of this microbial group have led to acquisition of the ability to manipulate mitosis in eukaryotic hosts.
72. The diet doctors at this seminar are learning how to carefully manipulate their image.
73. He would not be able to manipulate the situation at all.
74. These artists manipulate paper pulp to make sculptures, reliefs, embossed and two-dimensional work.
75. The ability to manipulate information, he implied, could be our very salvation.
76. She will learn to manipulate numbers through practice and repetition.
77. They are easier to manipulate, they have less money and depend on the Bank largely for their livelihood.
78. It warms the cockles of my female heart to know that such womanly wiles still continue to manipulate and
79. They must learn how to manipulate what is not a predictable machine into something which resembles one.
80. A good staff manoeuvred to avoid such disasters, attempting to manipulate the presentation of news.
81. Thus the ability to manipulate the different elements at will has in effect altered the task.
82. She knew now how attractive Miguel could be when he wanted to be, and she knew he could manipulate her feelings.
83. These have made it possible for scientists to manipulate more precisely the genetic make-up of living organisms.
84. This was separated from the other digits, giving their owners the ability to grasp and manipulate objects.
85. It's hard to program safely; programs that manipulate threads are prone to inconsistent data, deadlocks, unscalable locking, and inverted priorities.
86. Nobel incorporated nitro-glycerine into silica, an inert substance, which made it safer and easier to manipulate.
87. It's funny how time can manipulate and stretch itself like a contortionist.
88. Companies may easily manipulate it by using some non - cash items.
89. Transposon system is easy to manipulate, quick and can achieve high throughput, carry multiple resistance marker gene, which makes simultaneous study of multiple genes possible.
90. A creature with this feat becomes so skilled with its telekinesis ability that it can manipulate and use magic items via telekinesis.
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