Similar words: underground, under, undergo, underway, launder, founder, under way, blunder. Meaning: n. one at a disadvantage and expected to lose.
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1. Crowds often feel sympathy for the underdog .
2. She nearly always pulls for the underdog.
3. She always identifies with the underdog.
4. 'The underdog syndrome' is a belief that things are beyond your control.
5. Most of the crowd were cheering for the underdog to win just this one time.
6. In politics, he was a champion of the underdog .
7. Yes, they are the underdog.
8. He is the uneducated country underdog who takes on the bad guys from the big city and wins.
9. That year the underdog Dolphins beat the Washington Redskins for the football championship of the world.
10. A gutsy but vulnerable underdog who swiped the prince and was still one of us at the end of it.
11. Always sympathetic to the underdog, Will felt compassion for vice presidents and urged us not to judge them too harshly.
12. As the underdog here, they have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
13. Being in sympathy with the underdog he would be classed as a radical progressive.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. Georgetown was the victim of an inspired underdog when the Hoyas met Big East rival Villanova in the 1985 championship.
15. But the vice-president is now the underdog in this race.
16. Resist oppression, lighten the burden of the underdog, spread understanding and reason.
17. He had a special sympathy for the underdog, and he enjoyed hobnobbing with all and sundry.
18. B: I do love the underdog story though.
19. She took up the cause of the underdog.
20. She nearly always pulls for underdog.
21. She always roots for the underdog.
22. As a politician, her sympathy was always for the underdog in society.
23. The losing Pittsburgh Steelers for making a mockery of their underdog status.
24. Harriet had always tended to feel compassion towards the underdog.
25. Did they make fun of him for speaking up for the underdog in school?
26. Pepsi has responded to this multi-pronged assault by playing the underdog card.
27. Try to neutralise these tendencies by taking heed of your owner's complaints(, or you may finish up the underdog.
28. Truman, who particularly relished a political battle when he was the underdog, fought back.
29. Whether his party is a double winner ... or remains the underdog ... is in the hands of the voters.
30. Most worrying for his supporters is that Morales remains an underdog in a state that mistrusts them.
More similar words: underground, under, undergo, underway, launder, founder, under way, blunder, thunder, plunder, maunder, underlie, flounder, fall under, undergone, underpin, underlay, undercut, under age, come under, underwear, understand, undermine, undertake, plundered, undersell, underline, underlying, undervalue, underperform.