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Cinch in a sentence

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Sentence count:39+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-04-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bindfastengripholdtiewrapSimilar words: cineicingcindermincingcinemasuccinctprecinctporcineMeaning: [sɪntʃ]  n. 1. any undertaking that is easy to do 2. stable gear consisting of a band around a horse's belly that holds the saddle in place 3. a form of all fours in which the players bid for the privilege of naming trumps. v. 1. tie a cinch around 2. make sure of 3. get a grip on; get mastery of. 
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1. My examination was a cinch and I passed easily.
2. The program is a cinch to install.
3. The exam is a cinch.
4. The exam was a cinch.
5. The first question is a cinch.
6. He's a cinch to win the race.
7. That blue racing car is a cinch to win the next race.
8. He is a cinch to be boss of this firm some day.
9. Most observers say the President is a cinch to win re-election.
10. Good pie crust is a cinch to make.
11. Brown hopes to cinch the deal by Monday.
12. Making an ocean is no cinch.
13. Edith finds the cooking a cinch.
14. The L.A. Dodgers are a cinch to win the division.
15. He used the third to make a cinch between her hands and the chair's bottom rail.
16. They're such a cinch to prise off, and the clothes are only slightly damaged.
17. Equally important, the battle. net site is a cinch to get to.
18. Chopping onions is a cinch with a food processor.
19. " Yes , it's an cinch. "
20. It's a cinch they will win.
21. That's a cinch for me.
22. It will be a cinch to get the job done in two months.
23. It's a cinch that the horse will win the race.
24. That horse is a cinch to win the next race.
25. It sounds difficult,[] but compared to full-time work it was a cinch.
26. There was no manual with the beta version, but the package as a whole is a cinch to use.
27. A useful step is to inspect old Ordnance Survey maps, and the cinch 1906 survey will be found useful.
28. After that, he was on his own, but the thousand dollars was a cinch.
29. I doubted that the load could be lifted, but Leese said it would be a cinch.
30. Today Astrid wore a white satiny dress with a wide gold cinch belt.
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