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Manipulate in a sentence

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Sentence count:167+4Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: conductfeelhandlemanagemaneuveroperatetouchworkSimilar words: populationregulateinsulatedcalculatestimulatespeculatearticulatepopularityMeaning: [mə'nɪpjəleɪt /-jʊl-]  v. 1. influence or control shrewdly or deviously 2. hold something in one's hands and move it 3. fake or falsify 4. manipulate in a fraudulent manner 5. control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage 6. treat manually, as with massage, for therapeutic purposed. 
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91. In GAS, there is no method to manipulate the location counter and you have to use labels to calculate the next storage location (data, instruction, etc.).
92. While the above getter / setter methods are trivial, the real value of bijection via getter / setter methods is that you can add custom logic to manipulate the bijection process.
93. An open file format specification, PDF is available to anyone who wants to develop tools to create, view, or manipulate PDF documents.
94. To compare with other kinds of fault injector, this new method of fault injection have the merits of easy to manipulate and control, real-time fault injection and online analysis.
95. We never manipulate the exchange rate, has been operating under a managed floating exchange rate.
96. The bitwise operators allow you to manipulate individual bits in an integral primitive data type.
97. And by understanding how the opium poppy produces these compounds(, scientists may be able to manipulate the production of opiates by genetically engineering plants or manufacturing them in a lab.
98. In an eighth-floor laboratory overlooking the East River, Cornelia I. Bargmann watches two colleagues manipulate a microscopic roundworm.
99. But the same wires that would make qubit chips easy to manipulate and link together also connect them to the quantum-defiling messiness of the outside world.
100. The component's hook is obviously through the onModuleLoad() method, but if I want to force its behavior, I might have to manipulate some UI components.
101. In order to manipulate the strength of exciplex emission, thin layer of CBP was inserted into the interface of NPB/BDHFLYDFLQ heterojunction.
102. Compared to some of the other models on this list, Sharethrough is relatively unobjectionable, because it doesn't pay users directly or manipulate play counts, the way some bands did on MySpace.
103. First, Artificial Intelligence is to manipulate the unmeaning signal, the meaningful behavior is not in the machine.
104. This text for example recommend "describe statistics" and "ratiocinate statistics" manipulate method. Believe in for you have much enlighten.
105. ( -- For more than 40 years, scientists have been using the radiation pressure of light to move and manipulate small objects in space.
106. Figure 1 shows where static and dynamic data APIs originate and how to use them to instantiate Service Data Objects that you can use later to manipulate the business data underneath.
107. A race condition occurs when two or more threads manipulate a shared data item and the result depends upon timing of the execution.
108. With the force of the aerodynamic booster, we can manipulate the loader relaxedly with less force,[sentence dictionary] and control it conveniently and easily.
109. This enables the default serializer to transform this XML message into a business object we can manipulate in the mediation.
110. We know that the ear operates on a logarithmic scale because harmonies have a special meaning and harmonies are ratios and ratios are easiest to manipulate on a logarithmic scale.
111. Both products allow you to enter, maintain, manipulate, and print data.
112. We need to subscribe to that event so that we can manipulate the Stack Controller when the user chooses to go back to a previous page in the breadcrumb trail.
113. The RDS enables a radio listener to scan for a particular type of program without having to constantly manipulate the tuning dial.
114. Study 2 used essays to experimentally manipulate the belongingness needs of 102 undergraduate subjects and assess the importance of their favored television programs when those needs were stimulated.
115. The researchers used a custom-built microscope with an iron-coated tip to manipulate cobalt atoms on a plate of manganese.
116. Its capabilities include:data input, geographical analysis(raster, vector and site), manipulate multi—spectral images and map display.
117. THE extraordinary success of Homo sapiens is a result of four things: intelligence, language, an ability to manipulate objects dexterously in order to make tools, and co-operation.
118. Intelligence seeks to grasp, manipulate, re-order, and adjust, while intellect examines, ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes and imagines.
119. An SPE has built - in filtering, aggregating and correlating, and merging operators that manipulate windows of events.
120. Recently, researchers have shown that Dielectrophoresis (DEP) is an efficient technique to manipulate carbon nanotubes.
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