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Lessen in a sentence

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Sentence count:131+2Posted:2017-02-22Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: increaseraiseSimilar words: lesseressencein essenceessentialessentiallysenselessinessentialdelicatessenMeaning: ['lesn]  v. 1. decrease in size, extent, or range 2. make smaller 3. wear off or die down. 
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121) Conclusion: that the determination of bilirubin in gastric juice is helpful to judge bile reflux. The result confirms that dimethicone can lessen bile reflux, thereby mitigating bile reflux gastritis.
122) Problem prevention will lessen the need for problem detection, panics and burn-out will decrease, and there will be improved focus and less wasted effort.
123) Compounded topical anesthetic creams are often used to lessen pain in procedures such as laser hair removal, tattoos, and skin treatments.
124) An experiment in Japan found certain ingredients of beer , such as pseudouridine , melatonin [], and a bromine can lessen the harm done by radiation to the human body .
125) They've made great effort to lessen the noise of planes.
126) Flood control decision supporting system is a non-project measure that can efficiently lessen the scathe of flood disaster and reduce the damage of flood, it is become more and more important .
127) In order to find a way to lessen DNA problems of sperm, Dr. David Greening, a gynecologist and endocrinologist from Australia, studied the effects of daily ejaculations on damage rates.
128) Results: DWN could lessen gastric mucous injury, inhibit ulcerous formation and improve pathological changes of damaged gastric mucosa induced by alcohol.
129) Conclusions BHD and divided-formulae can improve the contents of serum NO and lessen MIRI.
130) Results Huoxue Dingxuan Pill could obviously increase the pain threshold value, decrease algesia reaction, lessen the ear swelling degree and lower the capillary permeability in abdominal cavity.
131) You can lessen the probability that your boss will make bad decisions that affect you and increase the probability of your job satisfaction by effectively managing your boss/employee relationship.
More similar words: lesseressencein essenceessentialessentiallysenselessinessentialdelicatessenessentialityselflessnesstactlessnessassentdissentpassengerdissentinglessassessvesselblessdresseddessertfinessepossessuselessunlesslessonstressedobsessedcarelesshapless
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