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Interference in a sentence

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Sentence count:254+10Posted:2017-01-05Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: noninterferenceSimilar words: interfereinterfere ininterfere withreferencedeferenceinferenceconferencepreferenceMeaning: [‚ɪntə(r)fərəns]  n. 1. a policy of intervening in the affairs of other countries 2. the act of hindering or obstructing or impeding 3. electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication 4. (American football) blocking a player's path with your body 5. any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome. 
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91. This process forms gratings in the crystal, a record of the interference pattern.
92. In effect they confer on the individual a sphere of immunity against interference by the state, other organisations and other individuals.
93. Of course, these straight forward ideas mask substantial ethical and practical problems associated with state interference in family life.
94. There are two main kinds of theory of why animals forget: the decay theory and the interference theory.
95. Noisy Environments: speech recognition is made difficult if interference is created by noisy machinery or extraneous conversations.
96. Truscati's job is to run interference for troubled kids with their parents, schools, and the courts.
97. The fund will take out insurance against confiscation and government interference in the repatriation of profits.
98. Counting was done 2 weeks after completion of studies to avoid interference from urine 1 1 1 In.
99. It will be argued below that management is provided with an alibi for poor performance by constant adhoc ministerial interference.
100. The other may well have had something to do with a desire to spike police interference with football.
101. They want to engineer products that put out a strong signal with minimal interference.
102. The skill becomes increasingly resistant to stress influences and can be continued despite outside interference.
103. That the system must be insulated from political interference is easy to say and difficult, but not impossible, to accomplish.
104. In turn the opposition parties denounced ministerial policy as monstrous interference with the democratic rights of local authorities.
105. In Morris the Lords held that there was no appropriation without an adverse interference with or usurpation of the owner's rights.
106. Complete stopping-down, however, produces spurious interference effects at grain edges and reduces resolution.
107. This reduces the risk of airflow interference from kite to kite which at close quarters can have surprising effects!
108. Interference by iron or copper is prevented by the addition of cyanide.
109. These can be studied free of interference from positively charged counter-ions - something chemists normally find extremely hard to achieve.
110. To clear static, persevere by taking drastic steps to fight all interference and distraction.
111. The interference in local government by central Government is not just financial(, but political.
112. In most cases, nocturnal singing, such as your whitethroat indulged in, also comes about through human interference.
113. Back judge Bill Lovett saw pass interference on Woodson and threw a penalty flag.
114. The more we try to control nature, the more fearful we are that nature will answer our interference with violence.
115. It's quite magical to watch a Wordstar text file being converted directly into MacWrite without any interference from the user.
116. A brain lesion or injury usually causes some measure of spasticity, which is an interference factor preventing normal movement.
117. Such interference could have widespread implications and plans should be made to mitigate against this possibility.
118. Such people have in the past been left to go their own way without interference.
119. The resulting interference pattern is recorded in the emulsion on the holographic plate.
120. Such a move would reimpose the dead hand of state control and political interference.
More similar words: interfereinterfere ininterfere withreferencedeferenceinferenceconferencepreferencedifferencemake a differencecounterfeitercounterfeitcoherenceirreverenceinterestinterestedinterestinglose interestdifferentindifferentdeferentialdeferentiallypreferentialdifferentiatesentenceoccurrencepainterwinteryinterimencounter
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