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Interference in a sentence

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Sentence count:254+10Posted:2017-01-05Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: noninterferenceSimilar words: interfereinterfere ininterfere withreferencedeferenceinferenceconferencepreferenceMeaning: [‚ɪntə(r)fərəns]  n. 1. a policy of intervening in the affairs of other countries 2. the act of hindering or obstructing or impeding 3. electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication 4. (American football) blocking a player's path with your body 5. any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome. 
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121. And although government programs have their flaws, they are totally consistent with heavy government interference in agriculture.
122. Less rain meant less chance of a signal being washed out and less possibility of interference from an electrical storm.
123. As a result of the Witch King's interference with the Vortex much of northern Ulthuan is sunk.
124. The only possible reason for your unwarranted interference is boredom!
125. The environment has been created as a result of natural evolution plus man's interference.
126. Working-class women live in increasing poverty and are more vulnerable than middle-class women to state interference and control.
127. More will become involved if given the opportunity to experiment free of regulatory restraints and bureaucratic interference.
128. As long as they paid their dues, they did not suffer interference from the Ixmarites.
129. The sensitivity can be improved and interference from other ions diminished by extracting the red colour with a solvent.
130. How religiously, if only in order to obviate neighbourly interference,( the Darcian woman would observe contraceptive precautions!
131. She had been admitted to the school without state interference and expelled for criticizing the board of trustees.
132. That would raise some technical problems, due to interference between the two antennae, and has not yet been tried.
133. At this time there was evidence of increasing irritation locally over what was seen as interference by central government.
134. Interference can be avoided by the precipitation of zinc sulphide and filtration.
135. A reformed Competition Commission will be able to break up monopolies, free from interference from ministers.
136. There in the Legation, remote from family involvements and interference, she devoted herself to my father.
137. Eliminate or reduce polluting releases and all forms of waste for disposal to ensure the minimum interference with the environment.
138. In a speech on Dec. 1 Moi warned of interference by Western countries, which he accused of bias.
139. Partly as a reaction against the restless interference of Lloyd George, he believed in giving his ministers the maximum freedom.
140. The ill-effects of state interference in the economy take several forms.
141. On signal-bearing computer leads, twisted-wire coaxial cables curb some types of interference.
142. Any interference in one country's domestic affairs by another country contravenes the UN charter.
143. So they reached the city without interference and walked unnoticed through the busy streets.
144. If they do so for long enough, one species may be absorbed into another. Human interference is often to blame.
145. Later it may possibly be used in ordinary conversation, but again quiet circumstances avoid interference from the background noise.
146. Its difficulties have partly stemmed from cuts in Medicaid, but also from political interference.
147. Some prisoners who would not normally have received the death sentence may have fallen victim to political interference in the judicial process.
148. That is, there is reason to accept the outcome of market processes and avoid interference with them.
149. The measure passed easily, but heavy-handed government interference in the voting brought the result into question.
150. The rat experiments that we have been considering suggest that the interference theory is more accurate.
More similar words: interfereinterfere ininterfere withreferencedeferenceinferenceconferencepreferencedifferencemake a differencecounterfeitercounterfeitcoherenceirreverenceinterestinterestedinterestinglose interestdifferentindifferentdeferentialdeferentiallypreferentialdifferentiatesentenceoccurrencepainterwinteryinterimencounter
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