Antonym: noninterference. Similar words: interfere, interfere in, interfere with, reference, deference, inference, conference, preference. Meaning: [‚ɪntə(r)fərəns] n. 1. a policy of intervening in the affairs of other countries 2. the act of hindering or obstructing or impeding 3. electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication 4. (American football) blocking a player's path with your body 5. any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome.
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61. But his interference in this issue was making her prickly.
62. In each case, federal troops were ostensibly used to prevent interference to the mail.
63. Both sides say they are opposed to any outside interference in the conflict.
64. The fractional-order beams result from interference between scattered waves involving an adatom at least once.
65. I had hoped we were now beyond reach of Government interference.
66. Strident editorials in the official press condemned foreign interference and predicted the worldwide triumph of socialism.
67. He had quit, he said, because he no longer knew what to say when head teachers complained about bureaucratic interference.
68. The central committee ideology department accused Kharchev of unnecessary interference in the internal affairs of churches and of financial indiscipline.
69. He no longer had to consciously listen out for the psychic interference that pervaded the island.
69. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
70. On September 20, without the presence of Faubus or his lawyers, the federal court prohibited him from further interference.
71. He is best left alone, and needs neither help nor interference from other players.
72. And the Liverpool Society warns of the threat of external interference if the profession is not seen to be demonstrating effective self-regulation.
73. Lucky For ever was disqualified from fourth for interference and favored Lakota Brave was placed fourth.
74. But there is evidence that working class women bitterly resented what they regarded as middle class interference.
75. An alternative might be interference with bacterial adhesion by pathogenic Escherichia coli, which have abnormal adherence in ulcerative colitis.
76. She kept hitting my forehead, and penumbra replaced myopia, and my arms fell away, no longer offering interference.
77. An interference filter consists of two thin-silvered pieces of glass which are semitransparent.
78. In a nation like the United States this should have been considered a fundamental interference with individual rights.
79. He must understand the technique being used, along with methods of eliminating possible interference effects by using classical chemical separation techniques.
80. Strong and prescient words, yet Marsh was not calling for a halt to all human interference.
81. Her husband and relatives were virtually camped in the clinic, driving Irina mad with their interference.
82. The floor was bare and unfinished concrete, and I could jump rope without self-consciousness, without interference.
83. On his return his ill-humor protected him from interference and also from sympathy.
84. Welch and I had a rather heated exchange about the appropriateness of his editorial interference, which had caught me by surprise.
85. I remember resenting even this slender evidence of outside interference.
86. But steam-distillation suffered from interference from products of the fire.
87. Even with Hilton Railey running interference, the first twenty-four hours in London were rocky indeed.
88. The Meaning and Purpose of Regulation Economic regulation might be defined broadly as government interference in what could be a market-based activity.
89. This impairs the efficiency of the braided shield and renders the cable open to interference.
90. Night Effect causes serious bearing errors and interference between stations. 3.
More similar words: interfere, interfere in, interfere with, reference, deference, inference, conference, preference, difference, make a difference, counterfeiter, counterfeit, coherence, irreverence, interest, interested, interesting, lose interest, different, indifferent, deferential, deferentially, preferential, differentiate, sentence, occurrence, painter, wintery, interim, encounter.