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Inability in a sentence

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Sentence count:256+4Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: incapabilityincompetenceineptitudeAntonym: abilitySimilar words: sustainabilityabilityviabilityliabilitystabilitydisabilitycapabilitydurabilityMeaning: [ɪnə'bɪlətɪ]  n. 1. lack of ability (especially mental ability) to do something 2. lacking the power to perform. 
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121 It could not be done by direct supervision because of the inability of management to be present at the face frequently enough.
122 Inability to expectorate and is obliged to swallow any sputum that is raised; it may taste greasy.
123 These characteristics are egocentrism, centration, a lack of reversibility, and the inability to follow transformations.
124 The weekend talks stalled on United's inability to agree the price for Knighton's withdrawal from the take-over.
125 The concept of boredom entails an inability to use up present moments in a personally fulfilling way. Wayne Dyer 
126 The major failing with finite state grammars is their inability to deal with any dependencies that exist between non-adjacent words.
127 The inability to reverse operations is characteristic of the cognitive activity of the preoperational child.
128 The perception of women's inability to take on managerial positions are almost universal.
129 It revealed an inability to compromise which remained unaltered after the fall of the Government in August.
130 Any inability to carry the weight on the hind-legs will trigger off resistance in the mouth.
131 Children abused or seriously neglected in childhood often exhibit as adults a sociopathic inability to empathize with other people.
132 Lack of communication and the inability to see a differing point of view are cited as being the main causes.
133 For her own part, she was filled with neither hope nor dread, rather a fatalistic inability to foresee the future.
134 He felt his isolation, his inability to connect-it was stronger, essential, cosmic.
135 Headache from the inability to focus the eyes rapidly enough, from eye strain.
136 Neil certainly seemed conscious after that terrible first week, despite his inability to recall his previous state of mind.
137 Many have blamed what they termed an inability to win on an inability to hit more than one shape of shot.
138 In such cases, illness can leave not only a physical inability to cope,( but an emotional fear of doing so.
139 Isolated horses can develop depression, over-excitability or an inability to relate sensibly to other horses.
140 The rest have been excluded by their inability to read.
141 Be realistic from the outset, so that you don't become dismayed by your inability to keep to your own timetable.
142 Many have argued that one of the fatal flaws a manager can have is unwillingness or inability to delegate.
143 More wounding than the question is the inability to give a coherent answer.
144 He became increasingly frustrated by his inability to preserve food, especially dairy products, during hot summer months.
145 At worst, they merely signal a reluctance or inability to grapple with those problems.
146 That is significant because dyslexia is essentially an inability to deal with linguistic information in visual form.
147 Her despondency arises from her inability to find employment.
148 Inability to stand because of motor incoordination.
149 Insolvency: The inability to pay one's debts fall due.
150 Insomnia doesn't mean inability to drop off to sleep.
More similar words: sustainabilityabilityviabilityliabilitystabilitydisabilitycapabilitydurabilityaffabilityequabilityunstabilityinstabilityculpabilitymalleabilityprobabilityreliabilityavailabilityvulnerabilityaccountabilityunpredictabilityrehabilitatemobilityrehabilitationsolubilitygullibilityflexibilitycredibilitysensibilitypossibilityirascibility
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