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Excess in a sentence

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Sentence count:274+25Posted:2016-09-08Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: additionalextrasurplusSimilar words: excessivein excess ofexceedexcept forexceptionaccessprocessrecessionMeaning: [ɪk'ses]  n. 1. a quantity much larger than is needed 2. immoderation as a consequence of going beyond sufficient or permitted limits 3. the state of being more than full 4. excessive indulgence. adj. more than is needed, desired, or required. 
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(121) Any excess money collected above the amount owed the bank must be returned to the borrower.
(122) Drexel has netted fees in excess of $ 100 million for single take-overs.
(123) During 1984-90 there was an excess of total cancer among those aged 0-24 years.
(124) This compares with some loan sharks who can charge in excess of 10,000 percent!
(125) Also useful is regular exercise, taking adequate daily calcium and not smoking or drinking alcohol to excess.
(126) Downstairs, it was like a battlefield in which the only victors were excess and decadence.
(127) The next figure of interest, the excess cash sum, is misleading, to say the least.
(128) Excess electricity can also be used to compress air in an underground store.
(129) To confer the status of value upon excess and extremism is to bring these things back within the pale of decency.
(130) The new research should also help to avoid freezing and storing excess embryos, she says.
(131) Todd yesterday admitted driving with excess alcohol and failing to stop and report an accident.
(132) Therefore, base excess reflects an abnormality in the buffer base concentration.
(133) Excess water lowers the surface tension and makes the clay soft and weak.
(134) The proposed move could help eliminate a lot of excess beds.
(135) A minor, but important constituent of many sandstones are the heavy minerals, with a specific gravity in excess of 2.9.
(136) On examination there was little abnormal to see, the cervix looked very healthy and there was no excess of vaginal discharge.
(137) A high capacity electric pump flooded the engine and no return for excess fuel was fitted.
(138) However, many excess mortgage allowance schemes run for a shorter time, for instance, for five or seven years.
(139) Mounted round this fairing were the eight radiators used to vent the excess heat produced by the fuel cells into space.
(139) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(140) He's charged with causing death by dangerous driving, failing to stop and report an accident and driving with excess alcohol.
(141) He was awarded the £40 he had been ordered to pay in excess fares plus interest plus costs.
(142) Despite indiscretions induced by excess alcohol, relations between Stewart and Glenure had not broken down irretrievably.
(143) Anecdotes of legal excess reflect the world we see around us and add a human dimension to an otherwise arcane issue.
(144) Your directors would consult the appropriate investor protection bodies before making any cash issue in excess of the guidelines.
(145) This contrasts with capital market securities, which have maturities in excess of one year.
(146) Stephen Scobie has called attention to the sheer excess with which Leonard adorns his pages.
(147) Shearson yesterday blamed the continued slowdown in market activity and excess capacity for the redundancies.
(148) At the time the city was devastated by a huge earthquake in 1923, the population of Tokyo was in excess of 3.5 million.
(149) The removal of excess weed can guard against gas bubble disease.
(150) When you had those you could drop, junk and forget the rest, which were only a burden or excess baggage.
More similar words: excessivein excess ofexceedexcept forexceptionaccessprocessrecessionprocessorprocessingaccessiblesuccessfullyancestorgo to piecesexcitedexcludeexcuse meexcitingexchangeexclusiveexcludingexcitementexclusivelysocial servicesin exchange forlessessaymesspressbless
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