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Event in a sentence

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Sentence count:300+53Posted:2016-07-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: episodeexperiencehappeningincidentoccurrenceSimilar words: seventheventuallyin any eventeven thoughpreventionin the event ofevenelevenMeaning: [ɪ'vent]  n. 1. something that happens at a given place and time 2. a special set of circumstances 3. a phenomenon located at a single point in space-time; the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory 4. a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon. 
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(211) In the event of a collision, the airbag stops the driver of the car from hitting his or her chest on the steering wheel.
(212) $4 million worth of souvenirs and gift items have been produced for the event.
(213) In any event, the bowling alley restaurant proved quite acceptable.
(214) 'The Sun' devoted 10 column inches to the event .
(215) The doors can be manually operated in the event of fire.
(216) This is a great event that concerns the future of our company.
(217) It did give me a boost to win such a big event.
(218) This race will be the main event of the afternoon.
(219) There's a possibility of my flight being delayed. In that event I'll phone to let you know.
(220) This was an event that changed the course of history.
(221) In the event of a hung Parliament he would still fight for everything in the manifesto.
(222) Riding bulls is always an exciting event at a rodeo.
(223) Careful planning is needed to ensure the smooth running of the event.
(224) The White House spokeswoman sought to play down the significance of the event.
(225) News of her death cast a pall over the event.
(226) Try and retain the excitement of the event in your writing,[] without taking liberties with the truth.
(227) The hype and fervour surrounding the event positively invited scepticism.
(228) What was once an informal event has now become institutionalized.
(229) This insurance plan offers your family financial security in the event of your death.
(230) Fears of renewed terrorist attacks cast a cloud over the event .
(231) The college has helped Anne with the organization of the event.
(232) The meeting was hyped up in the media as an important event.
(233) In the event of his death Sheila will inherit the money.
(234) Extra police officers were brought in, although in the event the demonstration passed off peacefully.
(235) In the event of fire, the alarm will sound at 15-second intervals/at intervals of 15 seconds.
(236) His remarks swelled a past event up in my mind.
(237) Watching the event on television was a poor substitute for actually being there.
(238) The news of the event was given out over the radio.
(239) I really must congratulate the organisers for a well run and enjoyable event.
(240) I was worried about the hotel bill, but in the event I had enough money to pay.
More similar words: seventheventuallyin any eventeven thoughpreventionin the event ofeveneleveneven noweven ifrevenueeven wheninventventureinventioninventoryconventionconventionalinterventiondevelopmentdevelopmentalentertainmentsentimentovenvendorvendettagive noticeeverconveniencefever
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