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Discover in a sentence

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Sentence count:230+6Posted:2017-03-11Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: discloseexposefindlearnnoticeobserveperceiverevealseeAntonym: missSimilar words: discoverydiscoveredrediscoverycovercovertuncovercoveredcover upMeaning: [dɪ'skʌvə]  v. 1. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of 2. make a discovery, make a new finding 3. get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally 4. make a discovery 5. find unexpectedly 6. make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret 7. see for the first time; make a discovery 8. identify as in botany or biology, for example. 
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121. Startled, she turned to discover the dark-haired woman glaring at her through eyes that were like burning coals.
122. Amnesty's job is to breach these walls, to discover the truth within, and then to act.
123. The reader will soon discover that I think very little of certain of the central ideas of economics.
124. I asked after a time, startled to discover we were alone.
125. If you are in good practice, it is fun to discover just how accurate you can be with a crosswind landing.
126. Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique, incomparable. You are you, I am I. I have to contribute my potential to life; you have to contribute your potential to life. I have to discover my own being; you have to discover your own being. Osho 
127. One advantage in being a social animal is that one need not discover practices for oneself.
128. In order to construct an integrated theory of linguistic competence, it is essential to discover the logical ordering of components or levels.
129. In a throwback to the days of Confucius, Jiang essentially wants party members to discover the joys of clean living.
130. The churches should seek to discover the community trends and local authority plans for the coming years.
131. So it comes as a surprise to discover that this is not always the case.
132. Now that they have learned how to win again they have to discover how to stay ahead of the pack.
133. All girls and boys, from every background, must be able to discover their talents and fulfil their potential.
134. To discover how to find the component values of a synthesised high-pass filter, consider the particular case of a second-order type.
135. Another important branch of philosophy relevant here is metaphysics, which tries to discover the basic structure of reality.
136. For all the size of the Byrd discography, we have barely started to discover them.
137. My message, especially to young people is to have courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are great qualities that they must work towards. This is my message to the young people. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 
138. The root of materialism is probably a firm commitment to empirical scientific method as the only reliable way to discover truth.
139. Only when we’re brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light. Brene Brown 
140. When Sheila Sheffield fails to achieve her quota for the quarter,[] he helps Sheila discover the reasons.
141. The purpose of this project is to analyse some of these forecasts and discover their similarities and differences.
142. It is quite something to discover giant tubeworms clustered around warm water flowing from the seafloor.
143. Inquiries must continue, however, to discover if Trevor Graham, a chartered surveyor, takes rural walks.
144. Teenagers who discover they were adopted often search for their biological parents when they are old enough.
145. Other staff said she seemed annoyed to discover that Mrs Fribbins had wet the bed.
146. The fundamental assumption was that Time will always discover and avenge any act of injustice.
147. Piaget interviewed children to discover their concepts and beliefs about clumsiness and accidents.
148. We return to the vehicles to discover a dead battery in the second truck.
149. I know I should not allow one of my dearest friends to discover so late on of my romantic attachment ....
150. There is an additional objective to listening carefully: it helps you discover which words and meanings have become assets.
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