Art is long, life is short.

Art is long, but lift is short.

Art is a lie that tells the truth.

4, Art lies in concealing art.
5, The highest
art is to conceal art.

6, To learn obeying is the fundamental
art of governing.

7, Rules and modesty destroy genius and

8, It is a great
art to laugh at your own misfortune.

9, Propagada is the
art of persuading others of what one does not beliver oneself.

10, He that learns a trade [an
art] has a purchase made.

11, All things are artificial, for nature is the
art of God.

12, When one loves one's
art no service seems too hard .

13, The
art of giving presents is to give something which others cannot buy for themselves.

14, Life is the
art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.

15, The art of conversation is highly esteemed in France.
16, We went to a lecture on Italian art.
17, Most art forms require a contribution from the observer.
18, Her interest in art was stimulated by her father.
19, They are transfigured by the healing powers of art.
20, Father tries to cultivate my love for art.
21, Nigel is carrying out research on early Christian art.
22, The imperialists plundered many valuable works of art.
23, He deals in antiques and fine art.
24, Mrs. Miller is very keen on art.
25, The film is a visual art.
26, She has never mastered the art of public speaking.
27, The art galleries of Florence are very famous.
28, The actual nest is a work of art.
29, Tell me thy company and I will tell thee what thou

30, There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their
art and their intelligence,(http://sentencedict.com/art.html) transform a yellow spot into the sun.

1, We went to a lecture on Italian art.
2, Most art forms require a contribution from the observer.
3, Her interest in art was stimulated by her father.
4, They are transfigured by the healing powers of art.
5, Father tries to cultivate my love for art.
6, Nigel is carrying out research on early Christian art.
7, Can we call television art?
8, Her performance displayed great art.
9, He deals in antiques and fine art.
10, Mrs. Miller is very keen on art.
11, The film is a visual art.
12, The art galleries of Florence are very famous.
13, The actual nest is a work of art.
14, He succeeded in getting a place at art school.
15, She is studying in an art institute.
16, He's a third-year student at the College of Art.
17, She failed to get into art college.
18, Tom teaches sculpture at the local art school.
19, It's one of the greatest masterpieces of Western art.
20, Music is not like most other art forms.
21, They believed that art should be divorced from politics.
22, Art books are expensive to produce.
23, She studied architecture and art history at the university.
24, A lot of art students live in this dorm.
25, They worship dreams Holiness in art, ritual, entertainment.
26, Cinema became accepted as an art form.
27, His stature as an art critic was tremendous.
28, Donna left school and went to art college .
29, Can television and pop music really be considered art?
30, He insisted these photographs were not art but obscenity.