1, Every
door may be shut but death's door.

2, Opportunity never knocks twice at any man's

3, God never shuts one
door but he opens another.

4, Every dog is valiant at his won

5, One sin opens the
door for another.

6, A creaking
door [gate] hangs long on its hinges.

7, A golden key opens every

8, Every dog is valiant at his own

9, Questioning is the
door of knowledge.

10, Open not your
door when the devil knocks.

11, A creaking
door hangs long on its hinges.

12, Fortune knocks once at least at every man’s

13, A golden key can open any

14, Lock the stable
door before the steed is stolen.

15, An open
door may tempt a saint.

16, It is too late to lock the stable
door when the steed is stolen.

17, He knocks boldly at the
door who brings good news.

18, It's no use locking the stable
door after the horse has bolted.

19, When poverty comes in at the
door, love flies out of the window.

20, It is too late to shut the stable
door after the horse has been stolen.

21, It is too late to shut the stable
door when the steed is stolen.

22, When poverty comes in at the
door, love flies out at the window.

23, It is too late to lock the stable
door when the horse is stolen.

24, A nice wife and a back
door will soon make a rich man poor.

25, If each would sweep before his own
door,[http://sentencedict.com/door.html] we should have a clean city (or street).

26, Don't forget to bolt the door.
27, Ben had got his finger jammed in the door.
28, Is the bolt of the door closed?
29, When the horse is stolen, (you) lock the stable

30, The devil may get in by the keyhole, but the
door won't let him out.

1, He nipped his finger in the door.
2, You should learn to closed the door softly.
3, The door is a dark brown.
4, She gave him a gentle push towards the door.
5, Don't forget to lock the door when you leave.
6, I was forced to open the door.
7, The door was paneled in oak.
8, He slammed the door with violence.
9, I forgot to lock the door.
10, This door is narrow in proportion to its height.
11, He didn't approach the front door at once.
12, Knock on the door before you enter.
13, I hear someone is pounding at the door.
14, He entered without knocking at the door.
15, Have you locked and bolted the door?
16, He opened the door with his key.
17, I stuck the note to the door with Sellotape.
18, She greeted her guests at the door.
19, The room next door is noisy.
20, She had left the door wide open.
21, She opened the door and stepped across the threshold.
22, I turned the handle and opened the door.
23, Will you kindly shut the door?
24, She groped blindly for the door handle.
25, She wedged a chair firmly under the door handle.
26, These products are generally peddled door to door.
27, Did you close the bolt of the door?
28, He came into the room and shut the door.
29, He slamed the door and went out with anger.
30, Who lives next door to you?