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Differentiation in a sentence

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Sentence count:185+1Posted:2017-04-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: product differentiationdifferentiatedifferentindifferentdifferenceindifferencemake a differencedeferentialMeaning: [‚dɪfərenʃɪ'eɪʃn]  n. 1. a discrimination between things as different and distinct 2. the mathematical process of obtaining the derivative of a function 3. (biology) the structural adaptation of some body part for a particular function. 
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31. Differentiation theory, by contrast, asserts that merely observing target stimuli will be enough to produce some effect.
32. The division of labour is always reflected in differentiation of status.
33. These included, for example, management of working capital, product differentiation and cost management.
34. The foregoing analysis neglects the effects of firms' other competitive variables such as product quality, product range and product differentiation.
35. Such a differentiation could be as fundamental as life's ability to reproduce.
36. In this way the differentiation of a planet may act to slow down the operation of the heat engine.
37. This theological argument for differentiation was to assume the greatest importance in spreading the Copernican theory.
38. Vertical differentiation in mineralogy in weathering profiles may also reflect the stage-by-stage alteration of primary rock minerals.
39. Both of these would be products of a continued modernization process based on a principle of cultural differentiation.
40. There, capitalism dissolved social differentiation - families, castes, clans, tribes, provinces, religions, gender, nationality.
41. This reasoning does not carry over directly to economies with product differentiation and economies of scale.
42. It is thought to reflect defective cell proliferation control and delayed onset of normal differentiation.
43. Pertoka interprets as the symbol of water and the Black Virgin, corresponding to the principle of differentiation.
44. Humphrey calls the differentiation of the working class thesis technologically determinist because he says it attaches too much importance to technology.
45. Obviously, this differentiation can readily be made by measurement of serum gastrin.
46. There are, however, many cases in which differentiation occurs within what at first looks like a homogeneous sheet of tissue.
47. The need for differentiation was clearly felt by seventeenth-century philosophers.
48. These various forms of differentiation within the bureaucracy are vital in the understanding of the formulation and implementation of conservation programmes.
49. The neo-populist view points to a variety of factors which counteracted the tendency of commercialization to foster differentiation.
50. This produced a certain cultural and behavioural differentiation in the slave population, among whom language differences must have been highly significant.
51. Research in other cell lines has suggested that the mechanical properties of the substratum are important in the maintenance of cellular differentiation.
52. Most utterances, they claim,( serve both functions but written forms facilitate the differentiation and separation of the functions.
53. Of course there can be differentiation by outcome within subsections of structured questions without those subsections themselves being differentiated.
54. These criticisms of stratification theory derive from the known importance of gender as a criterion of social differentiation in modern society.
55. Despite pressures for differentiation, the result was the very opposite of separation.
56. But if a man could not accept this differentiation, we should regard him as totally deficient in taste.
57. The sensorimotor child is initially egocentric in that he lacks differentiation between the self as an object and other objects.
58. This analysis of the differentiation of legal systems is also borne out if we take a comparative perspective.
59. Was there something peculiar about mammals, and in particular about differentiation in mammals, that would prevent this?
60. The result was an improvement over the unsupervised product, and yet we still felt that further urban differentiation might be possible.
More similar words: product differentiationdifferentiatedifferentindifferentdifferenceindifferencemake a differencedeferentialinferentialpreferentialdeferentiallysubstantiationdifferdiffer frombeg to differagree to differnegotiationinitiationrenunciationventilationdiffractionidentificationedificationconstitutional conventionmodificationdeviationradiationalleviationvariationpalliation
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