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Meantime in a sentence

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Sentence count:268+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: in the meantimeinterimlagmeanwhileSimilar words: on timein timefrom time to timesentimentmeanmeanwhileby all meansby any meansMeaning: ['mɪːntaɪm]  n. the time between one event, process, or period and another. adv. during the intervening time. 
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1. I continued working. Meantime, he went out shopping.
2. The doctor will be here soon. In the meantime, try and relax.
3. Please call a taxi, and in the meantime I'll pack some food.
4. I continued working, meantime, he went out shopping.
5. Meantime he was loading the pistols.
6. I'll contact them soon. Meantime don't tell them I'm back.
7. The Prime Minister has, for the meantime, seen off the challenge of the opposition.
8. In the meantime, the shares will continue to trade on the open market.
9. It now hopes to hold elections in February. Meantime, the state will continue to be run from Delhi.
10. In the meantime the war of nerves seems likely to continue.
11. Please find a taxi, and in the meantime I'll pack some food.
12. In the meantime, put in for a divorce.
13. Consumers, meantime, have spent beyond their means.
14. In the meantime new industrial landscapes have developed.
15. But in the meantime he's enjoying his new-found freedom.
16. In the meantime, good luck, Raul.
17. The other seven had in the meantime absconded.
18. In the meantime, just hang on in there.
19. But, meantime, get it open in front of you.
20. In the meantime New Year's Eve came and went.
21. In the meantime the meat continued in the evenings.
22. Meantime, Adelaide had become awash with journalists.
23. In the meantime eat that while it's hot.
24. Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult, but in the meantime she relies on your support.
25. Your computer won't be arriving till Thursday. In the meantime, you can use Jude's.
26. When he woke up next morning, he discovered that the boat had, in the meantime, travelled to Calais.
27. I didn't see her for another five years, and in the meantime she had got married and had a couple of kids.
28. The power supply should be back soon - for the meantime we'll have to use candles.
29. The next programme starts in five minutes; in the meantime, here's some music.
30. My first novel was rejected by six publishers. In the meantime I had written a play.
More similar words: on timein timefrom time to timesentimentmeanmeanwhileby all meansby any meansby no meansby means ofmeaningfultimeat home and abroadat a timeat timesin no timeat no timelifetimeat any timeby the timelongtimeat one timeeach timeall the timetake timesometimefull-timeby this timeat all timessometimes
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