Synonym: advisedly, by choice, by design, designedly, intentionally, measuredly, on purpose, purposely. Similar words: desperately, liberal, accurately, delicate, lately, privately, fortunately, ultimately. Meaning: [dɪˈlɪbərətli] adv. 1. with intention; in an intentional manner 2. in a deliberate unhurried manner.
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181. This is done by deliberately putting delays into the circuitry.
182. Stoking up fear of crime is these rightwing commentators' black art, a fear deliberately inflamed to tip the people rightwards.
183. Deliberately frustrate any desires that may be the result of an advertising campaign.
184. Artificial complex systems will be deliberately infused with organic principles simply to keep them going.
185. The killing of children, deliberately targeted-what kind of a person could commit such an act?
186. This might have been another attempt deliberately to embarrass the newly formed association.
187. We had deliberately chosen a villa with easy access to the sea, but the children preferred their own pool.
188. Rogers was dismissed from the army for deliberately disobeying an order.
189. Newly formed governments seek deliberately to reverse their predecessors' communications policies.
190. But under cross-examination, he was accused of deliberately setting out to besmirch her character.
191. There is an additional problem since coin designs might sometimes deliberately avoid the most recent currents in art.
192. There was, he added, a danger that exclusions might come about not deliberately but simply through inertia or administrative error.
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193. It is expected to say that tobacco companies have deliberately thwarted international efforts to control the sale of cigarettes.
194. You can practise this skill by deliberately steering a bad variable course ad feel the pressure changing in the hands.
195. Oliver was annoyed that Angelina had deliberately chosen to sit next to Sir Thomas.
196. Could Eddie have run out of that corner deliberately because he couldn't face the consequences of his gambling?
197. We are ashamed to deliberately make a system so inconvenient that people will stop using it.
198. In our computer models in Chapter 3, we deliberately built into the computer the basic ingredients of cumulative selection.
199. Sometimes the sounds produced will have been activated by chance. sometimes deliberately.
200. Remove Goblin casualties with a deliberately contemptuous gesture or casual lack of concern if it makes you feel better.
201. Eliot deliberately presents his South Sea life in crude terms.
202. Looking around the room[], Harry wondered if Potts had deliberately sent him on a wild goose chase.
203. The church clock, slowly and deliberately striking seven in the morning, was like a knell to that day's death.
204. Early in my career...I had to choose between an honest arrogance and a hypercritical humility... I deliberately choose an honest arrogance, and I've never been sorry. Frank Lloyd Wright
205. The first night on board, everything is deliberately kept informal, to give passengers time to settle in and find their bearings.
206. His unexpected presence may be interpreted, rightly or wrongly, as a deed deliberately intended to express his courage or defiance.
207. Being deliberately deceitful about the Government's policies has become something of a habit for the Labour party.
208. In this study we deliberately broadened the scope of the reporting under scrutiny.
209. Sometimes we deliberately flout the charge to be relevant: to signal embarrassment or a desire to change the subject.
210. Darren, aged 5 years, had been found deliberately passing urine in the corner of his bedroom carpet.
More similar words: desperately, liberal, accurately, delicate, lately, privately, fortunately, ultimately, operate, approximately, generate, tolerate, moderate, cooperate, desperate, inveterate, accelerate, cooperate with, fiber, subscriber, delight, deliver, widely, delivery, guideline, definitely, satellite, operator, operating, operation.